fifteen. (ii)

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A few weeks had gone by since the Son's had come over for dinner, and the two families have gotten much closer.

And Lee Jeonghan was yet again at his window, admiring his neighbor's son. It became normal for Seungcheol to walk into their room to see the younger by the window.

"Why don't you just ask him out?" Jeonghan jumped a bit in surprised at the sound of the older's voice. "Pffft...Like I could do that." He rolled his eyes and went back to staring at his neighbor.

"Please, asking him out would be easy." Seungcheol scoffed as he sat on his bed, his back pressed against the wall and some magazine on hand.

"Oh really?" A hum was heard in reply, "Then why don't you ask out Doyoon?" Jeonghan smirked as he turned around to his face his brother, he laughed softly seeing the tips of his ears turn a bright red. "You know I can't, not when he's dating that Nakamoto guy." He frowned.

"You're an idiot, Yuta is the international student that lives with him." He rolled his eyes, picking up bunny plushy from his bed and throwing it at the older. "And besides, Yuta is dating Sicheng from our history class."

Seungcheol winced at the stuff toy that surprisingly hit him hard. "Well how was I supposed to know?" "Everyone knew, damn grandpa hyung, you need to to catch up with all the same talk at school." He mumbled as his eyes turned back to to the window.

"Which honestly makes no sense since you're the junior captain of the soccer and basketball team, who knew the school's own captain doesn't stay in the loop." Jeonghan teased.

Seungcheol retaliated by throwing the bunny plushy back at Jeonghan, but to his surprise, the plushy had flown right out the window and onto the Son's front lawn.

Jeonghan's eyes widen as he followed where the stuffed toy had fallen, he looked back at Seungcheol, who looked quite shocked and embarrassed.

"My bunny!" Jeonghan cried and quickly ducked from the window when he saw his neighbor turn around, facing towards their house.

Jeonghan winced and flopped onto his bed, his messy hair getting tangled as he rolled side to side. "You just had to throw it." "You were teasing me!"

"Yeah, but I always tease you, you couldn't endure it for once!"

They bickered for a bit before a knock was heard on their bedroom door, the two became quiet and glanced over at the mahogany coloured door. Seungcheol stood up from his bed and moved towards the door, opening it.

"Hoseok hyung, hey." He nodded at the older boy. "Hey Cheol, is Jeonghan there? I think I have something that belongs to him." Seungcheol nodded his head, opening the door wider to reveal Jeonghan laid out on his bed, possibly pretending to be asleep.

"Go on in, I'll right back." He said before leaving the two. "Jeonghan?" The said boy's name opened slowly as he sat up, his usually tamed hair quite a mess.

"Oh...uh, hey hyung."

Seungcheol had poured himself a glass of orange juice when he noticed that Jeonghan and Hoseok were coming down the stairs, he stifled a laugh seeing how the older of the two had a bright smile while his brother looked rather embarrassed, especially as the bunny plushy was in hands, tucked behind his back.

"So next Saturday then?" Jeonghan nodded his head, repeating the date. "Great, I'll see you at school then." Hoseok said, flashing a smile as he moved a bit closer to tuck a lock of hair behind Jeonghan's ear. After saying his goodbyes, he left to his house.

With that, Jeonghan closed the door, with his back pressed against the door he slid to the ground and dropped at what just happened.

"Mommy...I think Hammie hyung is dead."

"It's Hannie hyung, Mingyu," Minghao mumbled, "and he's not dead, he's probably just sleeping again." He said, the two boys stood in front of their brother, Minghao sticking his foot out to poke at his older brother.

"Don't poke him! You might anger him!" "He's not Seungcheol hyung!"

Author's Note
Future JeongHo ship coming at you

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