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It was another regular day really, not much was happening in the Lee house other than Junhui and his dad fixing up the old nursery once more.

Jisoo didn't want them to leave the nursery fix up til the end of his third trimester, afraid that if they do leave it to the end he'd probably be stressed as by that time the baby would be coming at any minute, but thankfully they're getting it done today.

Jisoo was in the kitchen when he heard a knock on the door. He set down his bowl of fruits aside and made his way to the door.

A lady, maybe no more than four years older than him stood in front of him. He gave a small smile, "May I help you?"

"This is the Lee house right? Lee Seokmin and Lee Jisoo?" Jisoo nodded his head, quickly introducing himself.

"I didn't catch your name you are?"

"Choi Daeun." The two shook hands before Jisoo asked her what she was looking for.

"Is Seungcheol perhaps around?" Daeun said with a slight hesitation in her voice, "He is, do you need him?"

"Yes, you see...I'm his mother." Jisoo's eyes widen for a second, slowly nodding his head. "Ah....well, just come in I'll go get him."

After letting Daeun know to make herself feel at home, he went towards the old nursery and pulled his husband aside.

"Whoa—is something wrong?" Seokmin asked, seeing slightl worry in the older's expression.

"Seungcheol's birth mom is in the living room...she wants to see him, but what if he doesn't want to see her right now?"

"We'll just let him know and do what he feels comfortable with, if he doesn't feel like meeting her now we can always set a date for when he does." Jisoo nodded his head, pecking Seokmin's cheek before letting him get back to the nursery.

He then made his way to the bedroom near the end of the hallway, knocking on the door before entering.

"Seungcheol?" His eldest hummed in response as he flipped through a worn out copy of a Shakespeare novel.

"Your birth mom is in the living room...she wants to see you." He watched as his son tensed up, lowering the book in his hand.

" birth mom?" He bit his lip, as he tossed the book aside. With a deep sigh, Seungcheol nodded his head and dreadfully made his way down the stairs to the living room.

He stopped at the end of the hall, slightly peeking into the living room where his mother was sitting, looking quite on edge but put together. It took him maybe another five minutes before he walked into the room and sat across from her.

Daeun stared at him with wonder in her eyes, "You've grown so handsome." She said softly as she leaned over to let her fingers gently skim his cheek.

"Why are you here?"

Daeun was taken a back by the straight forward question.

"I wanted to see you, and I was hoping if you'd come back to me."

Seungcheol furrowed his eyebrows, arching one at her reply.

"Come back to you? You abandoned me when I was a baby."

"I know and it was a terrible mistake but I'm here and I hope to make things right, I want you as my son, I hope that'd you would come and live with me." She said softly with a weary smile, moving her hand onto his, though he pulled his hand away.

"A terrible mistake? It took sixteen years for you to realize it was a terrible mistake to just abandon me?"

"You have to realize that it was difficult at the time and I couldn't afford to have a baby to take care of, I had to take care of myself too."

Seungcheol clicked his tongue against his teeth and shook his head.

"That's not an excuse for leaving me at an orphanage when I was a baby. I get that you might not have been able to afford me but you didn't even try gave me up after a week, a week! And now you're here trying to make things right by asking me to come live with you and be your son?"

He huffed and shook his head, "I'm sorry, but I can't do that."

"Seungcheol, I'm your mother." Daeun said in a low and shocked tone.

"My mother? You lost that chance when you gave me up." He mumbled before getting up, "It was nice to meet you, Ms. Choi, but I don't want to be your son."

He gave a small smile before turning around and heading out of the living room just as his mom came in to check on them.

"You okay sweetie?" Jisoo said softly as he ran his fingers through Seungcheol's hair.

"I'm okay mom, but I have to get back to that English homework." Jisoo nodded his head, moving aside to let him pass through, he then sat across from Daeun where Seungcheol previously sat.

"Are you okay Daeun?" She swallowed thickly and nodded her head, giving a small smile to the latter.

"Just fine, just thinking over how he's right..." She leaned over and took Jisoo's hands in hers. "Thank you for taking care of him, he's grown up so well." Jisoo smiles warmly before he pulled out two photos from his back pocket.

"I figured you'd want a small snippet of his life, it's a photo of his sixth birthday, the other is from his seventeenth birthday a few months back ." He said as he handed her the photo.

"Keep it for a memory."

"Thank you." Daeun said softly as her fingers grazed over the two photos.

The two ended up switching numbers, Jisoo would tell keep her updated about his Seungcheol was doing as he wanted her to somehow how be a part of Seungcheol's life.

And with that, she had left the residence.

Author's Note
Sooooooo yeah
Seungcheol's birth mom made
an appearance, annnnd yeah
I was honestly debating about this
like, should I of should I not?
but anyways, I hoped you
enjoyed this chapter

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