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Time Skip, Four years

It was Mingyu and Minghao first day of school. Junhui had gone around the house knocking on bedroom doors to wake everyone up as requested by their mother.

"Everyone up! Breakfast is almost ready!" Junhui had yelled out as he knocked on his siblings' rooms, sometimes heading inside to shake them awake. It's unusual for them to hear the normally quiet eight year old yell loudly, much less in the morning.

Within the walls of a lime green colored room was a bunk bed, the sleeping five year olds took the longest to wake up, they were so used to oversleeping as when they were in kindergarten, they had afternoon classes.

Nonetheless, the two had woken up and made their way to to the bathroom, alternating who would use the bathroom and who would brush their teeth.

Soon enough, in their miss-matched pajamas, they made their way down to the dining table. "Good morning you two." Jisoo said as he pressed a peck on both of their foreheads, a tired, "Morning mommy." Was heard from the two.

It wasn't long before the rest of the Lee kids had made their way to the dining table. The eldest of the kids sat next to the two four year olds. Seungcheol sat down in the same seat he's sat in, Jeonghan sat next to him as always. Across from the two twelve year olds were the twins, Jihoon and Soonyoung. Beside them was Junhui and Wonwoo.

Everyone was sat at the table, Jisoo placing food on his youngest ones' plates before handing them down.

As he's done so through the years, Seungcheol still places food on Jeonghan's plate while the younger scolds him again. The twins would trade some pieces of their food before eating, while Junhui and Wonwoo just ate in comfortable silence.

All too soon it was time to send the kids off to school, Jisoo had made sure each of them were wearing a slight sweater over their uniform as well as handing them their packed lunches.

"Bye mommy! We'll see you later!" Each of the Lee kids said as they gave their mother a hug and kiss before getting into the car so their father could drop them off.

Seokmin had came back after dropping the kids off at school, there sat on the couch was his husband getting started on some laundry.

"You look sad, Soo..What's wrong?" Jisoo looked up at him, placing the folded clothes on the couch. "Is it selfish that I feel so lonely here now that Minghao and Mingyu are full day now?" He sighed, allowing himself to get pulled into his husband's side.

"No it isn't honey, you've always had kids here at home with you while the others were at school. You're used to it, it's only natural that you feel like that now." Seokmin mumbled, pressing a kiss onto the older's forehead as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"I suppose you're right, Minnie." He sighed again, smiling contently as he rested his jead against the other's shoulder. "Minnie...would it be fine if we..."

Seokmin chuckled, nodding his head as he already saw where this conversation was going. "Definitely."

Author's Note
And So, new babies shall arrive :)

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