seven. (ii)

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Seokmin had parked the car at an elementary school just a few blocks from the house. He took off his seatbelt and looking at the two boys at the back, telling them they're here.

The two boys took their seatbelts off quickly and waited for their dad to open the door. Once the door was open the jumped down from the car and held their dad's hand as they crossed through the psrking lot.

When they neared the school, the two boys went off to the playground where the other kids were. The two boys quickly found Youngjae and Jongdae, along with Taehyung and Jimin.

Seokmin didn't have to leave for another twenty minutes, so he leaned against the fence and watch his kids play.

A man approached him with a smile, Seokmin returning the smile and gave him a handshake.

"Just dropped them off hyung?"

"Youngjae is over there having a good time so I guess so."

"Where's the twins?"

"In the bigger playground for 'older kids'"

Seokmin nodded his head he continued to talk to Jaebum. Soon the bell had rung and the kids were lining up, both Seungcheol and Jeonghan ran up to hug him goodbye before going back in the line. Jeonghan returned again with one more hug and that cute little line he says.

Jaebum chuckles at the adorable long haired boy before kneeling down to hug Youngjae who had came to hug him goodbye.

"Youngjae-ah be good to your mom okay?"


The little boy went off, standing next to his two best friends.

"Jinyoung is their teacher?"


"Isn't he teaching kindergarten though?"

"He got moved to teach to first year."

The younger nodded his head before telling Jaebum he'll meet him at the company.

The two boys entered into the light blue colored classroom. At the blackboard stood Jinyoung, their teacher.

"Mr. Im? You're our teacher?"

Jeonghan asked as he walked towards his uncle. The man smiled brightly and nodded his head as he lightly ruffled Jeonghan's long hair.

"Take a seat in any group you'd like class, I'm Mr. Im, but you can address me Mr. Jinyoung if you'd like."

Seungcheol had taken a seat beside Jeonghan, beside Jeonghan was Youngjae, and infront of the three was Jimin and Taehyung. Their little group was complete. Well almost, there were three more spots to be filled.

But the seats were quickly taken by three
girls, the boys looked at them before introducing themselves brightly.

"I'm Ji Eunae! And this is my twin Nahyun!"

A cheerful girl said as she turned to her sister who wore a small smile, both girls waved to everyone before they all turned to the girl sat next to Youngjae.

"Shin Nayoung."

The girl said quietly as she waved at the others in the group. Before they could continue to talk, their teacher called for everyone's attention, he took attendance and began to go over all the exciting things they'll learn all year.

Recess soon took place and the group of eight had gone outside by the playground, all decideding to play games with each other.

"So what should we pl—"

"Wah! Jeonghan your hair is so pretty!"

Nayoung said, the girl immediately taking a liking to the longhaired boy, her face turned red when she realized she interrupted Taehyung.

"Thank you!"

Jeonghan said, smiling brightly at the younger girl. While they decided a game to play, Jeonghan had let Nayoung braid his hair. The girl stuck her tongue out as she focused on getting the braid right.

"That's so pretty! Jeonghan looks pretty!"

The boy giggled and thanked Nayoung for briading his hair, the girl smiled brightly in return.

"Hey hyung, doesn't Nayoung remind you of Aunty Young?"

"Only the name really."

Jeonghan nodded, agreeing with his brother.

Soon the group of eight were playing hide and seek, they were almost done, they just couldn't find Younjae.

"Did you find him yet?"

"No not ye—"

The bell rang loudly, signalling the end of recess, the seven kids looked at each other with wide eyes, wondering where Youngjae was.

Their wondering was over when they walked into the classroom to see Youngjae happily munching on carrot sticks.

"There you are! We've been looking for you!"

The young boy stopped eating his carrots long enough to open his mouth, only to start eating again. Their teacher came by their desk and chuckling.

"I called him in to eat his snacks, my youngest has to grow you know."

Jinyoung said as he pinched Youngjae's cheeks, the boy complaining and asking his mom to let go, only to turn red from calling his teacher, 'mom' out loud.

The class giggled and shrugged it off before going back to talking.

Their first day of school was fun, Jeonghan and Seungcheol couldn't wait to tell their parents about their first day.

—author's note—
Nayoung is from the girl group Gugudan, not Pristin
Nahyun and Eunae are from the girl group SONAMOO
If any of you were wondering.

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