🔸🔽↗ Leo ↙🔼🔸

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They've come for you, they know what you did! Run, hide!

I blink, looking around me. Where is this place? I wasn't in this room a moment ag-

Oh, no.

"Chief, found him!" a police officer shined a flashlight in my eyes.

"Ah, hey!" I complained, putting my palm over my face.

Run, you fool!

I looked around me again. I was. . . under a bridge?

The policeman who shined the light in my eye grabbed my arms and yanked me up.

"Ow, hey! What's-"


"No, shut up!" I cried out for the last time.

I was handcuffed and shoved in the car.

Where's my best friend?

You're what? I think, replying. If I didn't know the voice so well, I would've thought it was the cop talking to me.

Suddenly, the car I was in took off, turning in the way of the bridge.

"NO!" I screamed. I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die!

I felt a jolting stop.

I opened my eyes and peered in front of me. The two cops in the front seat were looking at me, one talking into his walkie talkie. The car hadn't even started yet.

"Yeah, he's crazy." the driver said into his walkie talkie.

No, I'm not. This is all just a dream.

If only your birth was a nightmare.

"SHUT UP!" I scream, covering my ears. I can't take your annoying self anymore! I think-scream at the voice.

And he couldn't take you anymore.

He loves me!


The car started down the road. I looked out the window.

"Where are we going?" I ask the policemen, but they don't reply.

I glare sarcastically, "Thanks."

Why would they talk to you?

You waste. Of. Space.

A/N what's going on here is a symptom of Schizophrenia which is Psychosis. It causes you to experience delusions, be detached from reality, see things that aren't real, etc. That's what the voice was talking to him about, saying "Where's my best friend?" If you would like more information, please research it.
Also, if I am portraying an aspect of his mental illness wrong, and you know because you have the illness, please feel free to correct me, I want to keep this as accurate as possible.
Thank you! I hope you enjoyed!

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