◽🔵↪ Jacie ↩🔵◽

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I walked around New York, probably going in circles. I entered a tiny restaurant and took a seat.

Coincidentally, a boy sits at the same table as me, the boy who called me "dove."

He smiles, "Didn't know I'd see you here."

I smile in return, "I could say the same."

"My name's Edgar. What's yours, dove?" My heart flutters--there it is again, dove.


He nods, "Pretty name, but I like the one I gave you."

I blush with a smile, "I like it better too."

We continue to talk as half hours fly by, and I don't worry about the time whatsoever. Talking with this so-called Edgar is. . . nice.

A/N Sorry it's a short chapter XD you'll also see why I brought this character back so quickly later ;) Thanks for reading!

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