◽🔵↪ Jacie ↩🔵◽

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Hades dropped us off in the parking lot. I waved good-bye, and Nico lead me to the school office.

The office guy, who Nico said goes by Ronnie, looked up. "New student?" he asks.

I nod with an enthusiastic smile.

"Name?" he asks.

"Jaci- Uh, Jakilynn Corinth." I made sure I said my full name so he didn't think I was a fraud.

He handed me a paper that explained my schedule, and I thanked him. Nico and I looked at it for a minute, and compared it to Nico's.

"You have science first, I have math. But then we have English together. Then I have Italian when you have Spanish. Then lunch. Then you have Math and I have Science. After that we both have History, and then I have Anime Club that you can join."

Two classes together are better than none, and an Anime Club?! Cool!

"Yeah, sure!"

Nico started walking, and I assumed he was taking me to my class, but then he spoke up, "I'm gonna go over to an old friend, we have a project together. Five before class I'll meet you by the office and I'll show you your class, okay?"

I nodded, "Of course. Bye!"

He smiled and waved slightly, then turned the hallway corner.

Now what to do?

I looked around me. There were kids around, buzzing about. Class started in twenty minutes. I wondered if I'd meet a new friend. I looked around to see if I'd find someone all alone that could possibly be my new friend, since I didn't want to bother Nico 24/7 since I'm "the new kid."

I didn't see anyone. I considered walking around, but I would probably get lost. I should've gone with Nico, I think.

I feel someone bump into my shoulder, and a girl (I'm assuming she's a she/girl) apologizes. She pauses and looks me up and down.

She has orange matted hair that doesn't even reach her ears, and is frizzing out, and dark skin. Her eyes are a definite caramel, and she's wearing a green tanktop and sports pants.

"Are you new?" she asks. "I'm Stephanie."

I notice her nose ring, and decide I want one too. Which is a random thought.

"Yeah, I'm Jacie, Nico's sibling." I reply.

"Nice to meet you." we shake hands.

"Hey, if you want, I can show you around a bit." she states.

I nod, "that'd be nice, thanks."

She replies, "No problemo. Come on."

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