🔸⚫🔷 Find Me 🔷⚫🔸

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He's not coming for you

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He's not coming for you.

He's probably already forgotten you.

You left him, why would he want you back?

Stop building your hopes up.

It's useless, you're useless.

Give up already.

I sigh, leaning back in the chair. I look at the door, thinking about where I am.

Should I stay here? Or should I go back to my Neeks? My Death Breath? Mr. Death Boy?

Never think about him again. It's just you and I.

I love him. . .

Forget him!

I need him. After all we've been through together, I need him.

You only need me.

But is he better off without?


No, that doesn't make sense. . .

He's living a happier life now, he's at peace.

He. . .

Let him go.

I. . .

Drift away forever.

I bury my head in my heads. I can't do this alone.

You aren't alone.

I am.

You're poison.

I'm not! I. . .

You're worthless.

I. . .


I probably hurt him. I don't deserve him.

~ .. ¤¤ .. ~

I love my brother, so I stayed

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I love my brother, so I stayed. Hades went out looking for him right after.

An hour later, I heard kicking and screaming, and sobbing, and shouting.

"NO, LET ME GO!" Nico tries freeing his arms.

Hades holds Nico's arms stern behind Nico's back, not saying a word as he pushes Nico forward.

Nico kicked behind him, but lost balance and fell to the ground, "LET GO OF ME, YOU COWARD! YOU MONSTER! LET ME GO!"

Hades pulled the boy to his feet, and shut the door with one hand once they'd made it in.

"I HATE YOU!" Nico cried, tears streaming down his face. "Please, Papà!"

"Sit down, son." Hades brings him across from me on the couch.

Nico twists and turns but can't break free. "NO! YOU RUBBISH, I HATE YOU! LET ME GO!"

Hades gets the chance to push Nico onto the couch and he does so without harming the teenager. Nico tries standing up, or kicking Hades, but Hades as a strong grip on Nico's arm and won't let go.

Nico's face is covered in waterfalls, "I hate you."

Hades doesn't respond, and looks like he has no regrets for protecting his son, no matter what.

I watch the scene occur, Maria wiping tears from her eyes. Nico begins sobbing as he gives up his struggle, yet Hades still doesn't release him.

"Let me go." Nico demands yet again.

I check the clock, 4AM.

"LET GO!" Nico shouts again. He continues to beg and demand, screaming at the top of his lungs.

I continue to listen, not really knowing what else to do.

Who Are You? |DISCONTINUED|Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant