◽🔵↪ Jacie ↩🔵◽

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It's now Sunday morning. I yawn, and throw my indigo comforter off of my body. I decide against taking a shower, deciding I'd take one later tonight. I strip off my pyjamas, and make sure my binder is on properly. I mean, it's not as easy as other people to hide, but it's still something.

I throw on a plain lilac tee, and blue jeans that fit perfectly. I looked in the mirror hanging for me on my closet door. My short blond hair--almost white--is messy, but it looks intended so I didn't bother brushing it for too long. I looked at my cheeks, the red had drained leaving slightly pink roses. My brown eyes were the same as Nico's, but mine seem warmer. I take a breath and open my door, walking part Nico's door--and then circling back to it.

I knock thrice and wait for his response. There isn't one. I knock again, assuming he didn't hear me.

I slightly open the door, "Nico?" I open the door wide enough to see through. He's laying asleep in his bed, hair messy. Leo is passed out in blankets on the floor.

I took a quick picture, because I'm a stalker, and woke him up.

"Hey, Nico?" I shook him lightly. Then I boiled up a fun idea.

I jumped on Nico's side, pressing down on his bed. "Wake up!"

"Ah, wha- who- Jacie?!" He didn't seem happy.

I laughed hard, and darted out the room. He followed me, and was quicker, so he grabbed me by my waist and lifted me as we laughed.

"You annoying little girl!" he yells, doing his best to hide his smile and look intimidating. It probably works on everyone, but not me.

"Little? You're only a year older than me!"

"So go back to bed! If I need sleep, you need sleep."

"It's 9AM!"

"What is going on in here?!" Maria walked out. Nico set me down and punched my arm lightly. I giggled.

"Sorry, I just woke Nico up on the wrong side of the bed. Ha ha."

He rolled his eyes, "Yeah. That."

Maria smiled, "Quiet down, your father is still sleeping. I'll make you two some breakfast."

I nodded, "Sorry, and okay, thanks."

I turned around, but Nico was already walking back to his room. I turned and sat on the couch instead, but with a smile, not really minding.

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