➖✴➡ Nico ⬅✴➖

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I looked around for Jacie, but I couldn't find her anywhere. I calmly assumed she went adventuring New York, and I hoped she wouldn't get lost out there.

Leo woke up and came out to the living room with me. He laid back down on the couch, his head on my leg. I twiddle my fingers in his hair until it's too tiring to hold them up.

"You still awake?" I ask him.

"Yeah." he replies.

I nod, knowing he doesn't see me.

"I love you." I tell him.

"I love you too." Do you?

"Do you wanna go somewhere?"


"We can go to a cafe or something."

"Sure, why not?"

"Okay. Come on." I moved my leg slightly and he sat up. We stretched when we stood, and then headed out.

~Time Skip~

We walked into Chase's Cafe, and took a table in the corner, my personal favorite.

We held hands across the table, and I smiled. Leo feels warm.

"What would you like?" the waitress comes up and asks us.

Leo orders some coffee, and I order some hot chocolate.

"Leo, look at me." I tell him right after. He hasn't made eye contact at all.

He does as he's told, and I see pain in his eyes. I hate that, so much.

"Leo, you know it's okay, right?" My voice is hushed, but I didn't mean it to be.

What scares me most, though, is that he doesn't respond. He doesn't nod. He says nothing. He just continues to stare at me with those pained eyes. What do I do?

"Leo?" I ask again.

He looks away, but I reach over and push his chin up, forcing him to look at me.

"Leo. It's okay. Whatever is going on, it's okay, I promise you." I try to assuage him.

He closes his eyes and I let him hang his head.

"Please tell me what's going on." I plead.

He shakes his head, and the waitress comes and sets down our drinks.


"Yeah?" a forces in a creaky voice.


He doesn't respond.

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