◽🔵↪ Jacie ↩🔵◽

27 2 1

Edgar had given me his number. I gave him mine in return.

When I got home, I stared at the contact. I was alone in the house, and thought maybe I should call him when Leo and Nico opened the door, both looking glum.

Leo went to his room, Nico sat on the couch with me.

"Are you okay?" I ask with concern.

Nico nods, "Yeah. Thanks."

I nod back. I return my gaze to Edgar's contact. I should have gotten a picture of him. Though I didn't get a picture, his image is currently burned in my mind. I can't stop thinking about him!

I really wanted to tell Nico about him, but I figured talking about crushes probably wasn't the best idea for him right now. I scooted close to Nico, and smiled at him when he looked up at me with a questioning tone.

"Wanna talk?" I ask cheerfully.

He shrugs, "About?"

I shrug too, "I dunno. Whatever you want, I guess." I smile toothless-ly.

Nico shakes his head, "Not much to talk about, I guess." He's wrong, there's so much we could converse over, but he clearly isn't in the mood so I leave him alone.

I stand and jump to my room, collapsing on my bed with a toothy grin. I click on Edgar's contact again, and send him a text.

Me: Hey it's Jacie

Edgar: hey there, dove

I smile at his quick reply.

Me: how are you?

Edgar: better now that you're texting me

Me: lol corny

Edgar: isn't that how you know it's real?

Me: wdym?

Edgar: When it's real, it's always like the movies. Haven't you noticed, dove?

Me: I've never really thought about it much

Edgar: hey, how would you like to go out with me?

I nearly scream. Go out with him. On a date. Oh my gods. . .

Me: I would love to!!!

Edgar: great! How's tomorrow at noon? I'll take you to lunch.

Me: what about school?

Edgar: oh, sorry. My school has next week off.

Me: it's okay. How about dinner tomorrow?

Edgar: absolutely. Text me your address and I'll see you then, dove.

Me: [address]
Me: see you ♡

I'm all giddy now. I'm going on a date! I tried relaxing, but all I could think about was him, he cheesy romance and subtle jokes and sparkling eyes and cute smile.

Before I knew it, two hours had passed. The only thing that made me realize this was the yelling I heard. I checked the clock, realizing Maria and Hades weren't home yet, since it's only 4. I don't know where Maria went--maybe she has a job too? Either way, once I opened my door, I realized it was Nico and Leo fighting with each other.

I closed my door, deciding to give them privacy, and to go comfort them both once the yelling stops.

So I laid back on my bed. Edgar. . .

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