🔸🔽↗ Leo ↙🔼🔸

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I received a text in the middle of my sleeping (frowny face applied) but smiled when I realized who it was.

Death Breath: I need to talk to you

Me: what is it, love? 😍😉

Death Breath: no, like, in person

Me: tonight at 6:30?

Death Breath: no, Leo. NOW.

It dawned on me how serious he is being.

Me: be right there

I through on my shoes and a jacket, not bothering to brush my hair or change.

I ran out my bedroom door, temporarily stopped by Ms. Gaia.

"Where are you going, boy? I didn't get you back in that school so that you wouldn't do your homework!"

I rolled my eyes and internally sighed, "Library."

She nodded, eyeing me. I continued my way to Nico's house.

Time Skip

I stood in front of my love's door. Whatever he needed, it was urgent, so I wasted no time by knocking.

Immediately, the door flew open, and an overwhelmed Nico flew into my arms. He seemed to be breathing a bit heavy. I hugged him loosely in return.

"Hey, Nico, whoa! What's up?"

"What's up?!" he pushed himself away. "What's up is I've been lied to all my life and I apparently have a sister coming to live with me!"

Um. . . What now?

I didn't know how to react to this, so I stood there blank as I tried to conjure up words.

Nico sighed. "What the heck?" he somewhat whispered.

I immediately hugged him, "Be optimistic."

He nearly laughed, "What's that?"

I smiled, "Something that makes you happy."

He rolled his eyes and took a deep breath, "She's coming next weekend. She's taking the spare room. It'll be...weird."

"What's her name?"


"Is that a nickname?"

"Yeah, for Jakilynn. But I don't think she's ever gone by Jakilynn."

Nico pulls out a picture from his pocket. It looks like him and this Jacie when they were very small--her holding up a peace sign, and him with a goofy grin and bunny ears behind her. They look cute and innocent, like little kids should. If only I got that, I think abruptly, and then curse at myself under my breath for doing so.

"This is her, one of the last times I ever saw her, apparently." Nico explains, showing me the picture so clearly that I can see the tiny details in the background (which is snow).

"You guys look close."

He shrugs, "Probably were. I dunno."

I hold his hand, "It'll be okay."

He brushes a pale, olive hand through his rough raven hair, "Yeah. Maybe."

A/N Should I change the graphic for Leo? (Pic above in the media)

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