Chapter 62 - We are the Champions

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Uh Three years ago, I thought I had it all. I was the quarterback of the football team, I was dating the head cheerleader. And then I met you, Mr. Schue, and I realized everything I was missing. There's a lot of great teachers at this school, who teach their students a lot of important stuff, like how to drive and-and fractions but you teach your students how to dream. As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing more important than that," Finn smiled reading his cards.

"Mr. Schue when I first met you, I was just an annoying Jewish girl with two gay dads and a very big dream. Today I still have two dads, and I'm still Jewish, and I'm probably just as annoying, but I stand before you headed to New York City come hell or high water and, um, I can honestly say that I couldn't have done it without you, and I will carry you every step of the way, so Congratulations. Um no one deserves this more than you. We love you and this is for you," Rachel said emotionally as the curtain came up and it was time for us to perform for Mr. Schue.

"I've paid my dues, time after time," Finn sang. "I've done my sentence but committed no crime," Puck sang. "And bad mistakes I've made a few," Santana sang. "I've had my share of sand kicked in my face but I've come through," Rachel sang. "And we mean to go on and on and on and on," Everyone sang. "We are the champions my friends," Finn sang. "And we'll keep on fightin' till the end," Rachel sang. "We are the champions. We are the champions," we all sang. "No time for losers," Rachel and Santana sang. "'Cause we are the champions," we all sang. "Of the world," Finn sang as Kurt then stepped up to take the lead. "I've taken my bows and my curtain calls. You brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it, I thank you all," Kurt sang as I began to walk up to him as we wrapped an arm around each other. "But it's been no bed of roses, no pleasure cruise," I sang. "I consider it a challenge before the whole human race and I ain't gonna lose," Rachel sang. "And we mean to go on and on and on and on," Everyone sang. "We are the champions my friends," Finn sang. "And we'll keep on fightin' till the end," Rachel sang. "We are the champions. We are the champions," we all sang. "No time for losers," Rachel and Santana sang. "'Cause we are the champions," we all sang. "Of the world!" Rachel and Finn sang. "We are the champions my friends," Puck sang. "And we'll keep on fighting till the end," Puck and Santana sang. "We are the champions. We are the champions," we all sang. "No time for losers," Rachel and Santana sang. "'Cause we are the champions," we all sang as Mr. Schue made his way down the line. I was the last to hug him and help walk him to his award. "Of the world!" Rachel and Finn sang. "We are the champions of the world!" we all sang as Mr. Schue accepted his award. "Guys that was such a moving performance. Thank you so much," Mr. Schue smiled as he held up his teacher's award, proud to have it.

The next few days were some of the hardest for me. I was thrilled to have won nationals but it being my senior year I knew this was going to be one of my last chances to say goodbye to everyone before we headed off in our seperate directions. I was proud of what everyone had accomplished, Mercedes getting a record deal to sing background on an indie label, Santana had a scholarship to the University of Louisville which was one of the top cheer schools in the country, Mike had gotten a scholarship to go to the Joffrey Academy of Dance in Chicago, Rachel and Kurt were going to be in New York, & Finn was going to join the army to clear his father's name which he had said previously was something he had hoped to do. As for me I had gotten into my dream school of Yale. I couldn't be happier that I had accomplished more than I could've ever dreamed of but there was a part of me that was sad to be leaving Lima behind for one reason and one reason only, Puck.

Saying goodbye to Puck was going to be the hardest part about this week. I sat next to him in the choir room laying my head on his shoulder as Rachel, Artie, Tina, Mercedes, and Kurt performed 'Sit Down You're Rockin' the Boat'. We cheered for them as they finished. "That was the most ghetto number I have ever seen," Santana said. "Then just call me George Jefferson, because we went from the ghetto to the penthouse. National champs, baby!" Artie said as we all cheered. Mr. Schue then entered the choir room as he wrote 'GOODBYE' on the board "This week's assignment is easy. Graduation is just a few days away. There's nothing left to prepare for. Our work here is done, so there's only one thing left to do: Say goodbye. Underclassmen, pick some songs to say goodbye to the seniors; seniors, pick a song to say goodbye to us," Mr. Schue said. "A part of me wants to lock these doors and stay in here with everyone forever," Mercedes sighed. "We can use the wastebasket for the toilet, and then we could eat Joe for the food, since she's been here the shortest, so we know her the least," Brittany grinned as Joe looked confused. Mr. Schue then pulled out his guitar. "I really hope you're about to rap," I said. Mr. Schue chuckled. "No such luck. I'm leading by example here. This one's for you guys," Mr. Schue said as he began to sing 'Forever Young' by Rod Stewart.

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