Chapter 61 - Quinn takes Nationals

Start from the beginning

When he returned I couldn't help but hug him. "What was that for?" he asked finally speaking to me. "You were trying to take one for the team. You're braver than anyone else here to do so. Puck that's why I fell in love with you. You've never been afraid to take risks," I told him seriously. "Yeah I take a lot of stupid risks," Puck muttered as I sighed. "Stop beating yourself up for being you. You're going to graduate and no matter what path you go on after graduation I will support you. Even if we're not meant to be you will always have a special place in my heart. You were my first and that means something to me," I told him seriously as we got in place to rehearse "Paradise By The Dashboard Light".

That afternoon I heard a fight going on outside. "What is going on?" I thought to myself as I rushed over towards the dumpster. All I saw was Puck and Rick 'The Stick' Nelson fighting. "Fight, fight!" the crowd was chanting. "Stop it," I groaned as Puck seemed to get distracted seeing me there. " don't want to see this okay," Puck muttered at me as Rick then punched him in the gut before having two of his goons throw Puck in the dumpster. "The reign of Noah Puckerman is over! Your winner, and still a loser," Rick shot at Puck as he began chanting "Loser! Loser!" the crowd soon joined in "Loser! Loser! Loser! Loser!" "What the hell is going on over here?" Coach Beiste's voice rang out. I couldn't have been happier to see her. "The show's over! Everyone head home!" she called out to everyone in the crowd. I however wanted to stay to get Puck out of the dumpster.

"Don't...just leave me here," Puck said as I approached. "I'm not just going to leave you in the dumpster," I told him seriously. "Why not?" he asked."Let's get you out of there Puckerman," Coach Beiste said as she helped me get Puck out of the dumpster. "Why did you let him bate you like that?" Coach Beiste asked Puck seriously. Puck shrugged. "You know with your record I fight like this could land you back in prison," she told him. "I don't care." he fumed. "You should care," I told him upset.

"I have no future Quinn. Everyone's made that clear. I'm nothing!" he exclaimed getting tearful "Don't you get it?! I'm nothing! I'm the school joke! A failure! You don't know what it's like to be worthless, where nothing you do matters! I feel that way every day of my life! Every damn day! You know how many football games or concerts my mom's been to in the last four years? None. Not one. My dad's been AWOL since I was ten years old, which is fine because all he ever did was tell me I was garbage! And he must be really proud of himself 'cause that's exactly how I turned out!" Puck said emotionally. "You are not garbage," I told him seriously. "I don't even know why you bother with me Quinn. All I've ever done is disappoint you," he said upset. "You didn't disappoint me," I said getting emotional myself. "How could I not have?" he asked. "Because I love you, you idiot," I laughed through my tears. "You love me?" Puck asked shocked as I nodded. "I have since Sophomore year," I told him seriously "You were the only person who knew me inside and out. You've always put me first and now it's my turn to do the same for you."

"I seriously don't deserve you," Puck said as I shook my head. "You keep saying that about me but when I was at my lowest you were the one who kept me from completely ruining my life. From doing something I would regret forever. If it wasn't for you I know I wouldn't be where I'm at now Puck. I mean it," I told him seriously. "I know a long distance relationship is hard but since when has our relationship ever been easy?" I asked him as he seemed to nod. "It hasn't been. That's not us," he said. "So please...don't give in to what everyone expects you to become. The Puck I know wouldn't do that. You just have to remember the guy you were when we first met. You're the guy who caught the winning touchdown the only game the football team won sophomore year. You're the guy that ate that shaker of pepper on a dare," I told him seriously. "Yeah. I did. I didn't even puke," Puck cracked a smile. "Don't sell yourself short. I believe in you and if that's not enough well I don't know what is," I said as Puck and I kissed for a long time. "Thank you," he told me seriously. "You're welcome," I smiled.

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