Lights | Jung Hoseok

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Character / Genre: Jung Hoseok x reader | fluff | 1,033 words

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Character / Genre: Jung Hoseok x reader | fluff | 1,033 words

Inspired by: Dim The Lights by Wild Ones


Holding onto nothing

We're pulling our new freeways

Our youth is gone

And so we revel in the new age


You watched the lights that passed by through the car window, as the vehicle moved at a steady speed on that empty road. It was silent during the ride, yet it was somewhat comforting. So you couldn't stop yourself from smiling at the sight you took in with your eyes as you kept your gaze towards the city lights outside.

"Back when I was a child, there were times when my parents were broke and unable to treat my siblings and myself to go to amusements parks or have fancy dinners when we wanted to celebrate our holidays. What my Father had was his old truck and a few bills to buy enough gas to take us all on a ride around the city, to look at the bright lights just to make us happy," you mused, reminiscing your childhood moments, the soft voice that came out through your lips broke the silence between you.

"It used to make me happy. I loved watching the city lights, they always looked so beautiful and graceful in my eyes. I used to admire them so much and would always come home as a happy girl, even though I would fall asleep in the middle of the ride and my parents would have to carry us back into the house one by one."

"Do they still make you happy now?" He suddenly asked you. You weren't facing him when he spoke, but you could feel him smiling at you through the words he gave you.

You let out a soft sigh, before answering him. "I still enjoy looking at them, but not as much as how I loved to do it back then."

"Why is that? Are they not as beautiful as they used to be?"

"Oh- They have always been so beautiful still. Probably more," you answered him. "But now the beauty can no longer win my heart as much as they did years ago. Not when all I can see through them is loneliness."

"What makes you feel that way?"

You turned your body in your seat to look away from the window and look at him instead. Hoseok had his gaze locked towards the road as he drove the car patiently. You stared at his face, admiring how the lights fell beautifully on the skin of his face, illuminating his beauty - how they accentuate his jawline, his eyes, the lines of his nose, and the lips that you enjoyed devouring every night before you sleep.

"Perhaps because I have seen the kinds of lights that are more beautiful than they are," you told him with a smile on your face, which he returned without looking away from the road. You kept your gaze towards him along the rest of the ride, until you finally fell asleep.


Hoseok parked the car gently upon reaching the destination place, doing his best so that the sound of the gravel beneath the tires wouldn't wake you up. It was a long ride, and you had fallen asleep in the middle of heading there. He looked over at you, smiling at you silently as he gazed at your sleeping figure, before stepping out of the car.

You were woken by him when he opened the door at your side, when he gently slipped his arms behind your back and beneath your knees before he then lifted you up from the seat. You fluttered your eyes to open, turning your head to look at him with droopy eyelids as he carried you in his arms away from the car.

"Hello, beautiful. We're here," he said with a smile.

You answered him with a hum, before turning to look forward to finally see where he was carrying you to.

He walked around his truck with you in his arms. The vehicle was parked at the edge of the cliff, in a position where its opened back trunk was facing off the cliff. He laid you down gently on the back of the truck, over the thick blanket he had settled as a mat over the trunk's floor.

You shuffled over the blanket to make space for him to join you on your seat, and let him cover both of your legs with the other blanket he had prepared. You turned your gaze towards the cliff, where you could see carpets of city lights beneath, contrast to the bright stars spreading on the clear night sky.

"Beautiful," you mused.

Hoseok turned to look at you, a soft smile plastered on his face. "Which one?" he asked. He knew how fond you were of the stars, how you could find solitude by gazing towards them on the clear sky.

You blinked your sleepy eyes before resting on your back so you could stare straight up at the sky. "Everything," you whispered to him.

He went silent for a minute as he gazed at your face and admired the look in your eyes. You could feel him shuffling above the blankets after he let you sink into comfort, and you watched as he opened the blanket that was covering you, before he moved to hover above your body. He moved his hand to open your legs apart so he could position himself between them, planting his elbow on the thick blanket as he settled himself above you.

You looked at him and saw the glint in his eyes, how their beauty matched the bright stars on the sky above, before flickering your gaze towards his smile that only gave more warmth in your heart.

You gnawed at your lips. It was impossible to not return his smile, no matter what you do.

"I thought we came here to watch the stars," you asked him, your smile only widened to mirror the way his own turned into a one that was filled with mischief.

"Oh, I am looking at one of them now," he answered you. "And she is the most beautiful one of all."

You could only feel how the stars you were fond of started to fill your warm heart and to spread beneath your eyelids, the moment you felt his lips resting on yours to give you the warmest and the deepest kiss.


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