Untitled #1 | Min Yoongi

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Okay, but....







Yoongi coming home from the show he was on tonight with faint remainings of makeup and dirt on his face, but too tired to make any move to clean them off or to walk out to the bathroom to wash up. You find him sitting on the sofa, both legs sprawled forward and his head tilted to the back as he leans back on the sofa lethargically. He has his eyes closed as he breathes slowly, exhaling a deep breath each time to push away his exhaustion.

Enjoying the solitude and the sudden calm, Yoongi fails to realize it when you make a move, moving closer without a word with a makeup wipe in your hand until you hop on the sofa, straddling his thighs slowly without interrupting his rest.

Not bothering to open his eyes or make any move, he only hums softly. His voice coming out as a grunt when he asks you, "What are you doing?"

"Shh...." you whisper, resting on top of his thighs with one hand planted on his shoulder. "Just sit still and keep your eyes closed."

His brows form a frown. "What is―" he tries to speak, yet immediately stops when he feels the cold wipe on his skin. "Oh."

With a soft chuckle, you lean down to give a soft peck on his earlobe, the one area that is clear from makeup but red with the mark of his earpiece. "Just relax," you tell him, before continuing to clean up his face while wiping the soaked cleaner gently on his skin.

He stays completely still as he lets you do your deed, while his skin slowly appears cleaner and glowing underneath your touch, your eyes trailing on every inch of his skin to make sure that there is nothing left behind.

What you are doing is so simple and innocent, nothing more but an easy task of taking care of him. Yet the longer you stay on his lap, the more your feel his constant breathing so close to you, the more you feel the gentle ripple burning inside your chest and stomach that you can no longer stop yourself from leaning down to leave soft kisses on his clear skin. From one soft kiss on his cheeks becomes two and then three, trailing lower to his jaw before your lips track the line of his chin to meet the corner of his chapped clean lips, and you keep on going until you have trailed every part of his face that has just been cleaned with the wipe. Your soft breath lands on his face, while his own breathing becomes deeper and warmer as his smile widens.

"And now what exactly are you doing?" he hums, chuckling when you still are not stopping.

"Nothing," you mutter between each kiss.

He sighs without making any move, but the palm that you have pressing on his chest lets you know that you are starting to affect him. The thought is only confirmed moments later when he grunts, "Better be careful, love. You might trigger something else."

"Hmmm? And what would that be?" you taunt him without even stopping the kisses, trailing down and start nibbling on his jaw. Your body moves on its own as your breathing mirrors his, giving you the answers to your own question when your crotch lands higher on his lap, rubbing the bulge that was not there before.

"Oh!" you exclaim with a gasp when you feel the pressure. Meanwhile, Yoongi's eyes open wide instantly, and his hands reach up to grab your waist to stop you from moving without pushing you away from him.

"I warned you," he growls gently with his eyes squinting at you.

You take in the sight of his face and his eyes for a moment, before showing you a sly grin. "Well―" you say to him, voice drawled with tease and lust, as you throw away the wipe from your hand just so you can rest both palms on his shoulder. "I have no problem in taking care of that too, you know."

"Oh, do you?" he chuckles. "Why am I not surprised?"

A soft hum is all you give him instead of an answer, figuring that it would be better to show him how much you can take care of him through your actions. And he says nothing more as you lean down to give him a long, deep, passionate kiss.

(Untitled #1, January 16th, 2018)

(Untitled #1, January 16th, 2018)

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