Chapter 1

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I woke up not feeling well and I noticed my boyfriend wasn't there the bed was cold.I ran to the bathroom and throw up. I went to the penthouse lounge to start breakfast and coffee for the guys.When all sudden I heard a voice coming from Eisukes office.I opened the door and there I saw her having sex with my boyfriend Eisuke I dropped his coffee on the floor that I made special for him.I ran down the hallway to the lounge crying even though I heard him call my name "Angel please don't go ". I was crying even harder didn't now I bumped into anyone tile I felt arms around my back to make sure I didn't fall it was Soryu Oh that I bumped into.  He asked me whats wrong Angle, I told him I caught cheating for the last time then asked him if he could bring me to Lukes Hospital I have an appointment with Luke.He said sure we left the lounge and headed to his car. Soryu Oh drove me to Lukes hospital then he escorted me to Lukes clinic. He waited for me in the waiting room while the nurse took me in to run some test. I came out and waited with Soryu Oh tile Luke called us in the exam room. He told me to lay on his table lift your shirt up to your belly okay I said. Soryu Oh sat next to me and held my hand. I squeezed his hand tight on the ultrasound machine there was a baby and a heartbeat I squeezed his hand and cried really hard. Luke told me I am 3 months along in the pregnancy should I tell Eisuke the good news. I told Luke please don't he cheated on me for the last time he has no right to this child I am carrying.Soryu Ohs cell went off I knew that was for his job Luke left the room so I can think, I called mom and told here everything tile the point I was at the hospital then told her about the pregnancy. Then I called my uncle who lives in Hong Kong he is the head boss of the mafia group called the Bell crickets. I told him everything Eisuke did to me and the pregnancy I started to cry he told me to come home I said I understand. I hung up with my uncle wiped my tears away when my cell went off it was Charlie he told me grandmas ill we need to get you home to Hong Kong. Okay, he said where are you I told him I am at the hospital I gave him the address and he said meet me in the front. Okay i said I walked out of the exam room Luke said Soryu Oh left for work  I told him I had a feeling , he handed me the envelope and the ultrasound pics he said do you need me to get you a ride no thank you luke I can walk home I need time to think please okay by Angle. I walked out the hospital to the black truck got in and head to Tre Spade's hotel and walked to the penthouse elevator to Eisukes suit, I knew the time he would be working outside the hotel today so it was perfect timing Charlie helped me pack. We walked out the suit thank gosh the guys aren't around. Charlie walked with me while helping me with my luggage . we stopped at the manager's office I handed the quitting papers and left a letter for Eisuke told the manager to hand this to him once he gets back from work and he is in his suit okay Angle good luck . I walked out the hotel to the black truck hugged Franky got in and left my old life behind. ...


Kissed by the baddest bidder  Eisukes Family or what was his family?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora