Chapter 20

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Ota turned around you both didn't need to yell at me oh they both said. Eisuke and Soryu Oh both said sorry at the same time. I went to my headquarters to do work while Eisuke went to his office to work on some stuff but both of us are worried about Angle. Charlie and I showed up at the baby store we picked out a car seat, stroller, diaper bag, clothes, diapers, bottles, and lot's more items a newborn baby boy would need and use. My packed the trucks we drove to the orphanage where Baba got out his car when he saw us pull up. Charlie grabbed the car seat while Baba helped me out the truck Franky walked with a black case. I carried the diaper bag full of a tone of baby stuff. We walked in the orphanage Baba walked in with me my friend talked to me she asked me if this was my soon to be husband nope I giggled it the kid's uncle. Cool my friend said Baba looked at me confused come this way she said we walked in the orphanage saw what upgrades that need to be done I noddle to Charlie and Franky they knew what I was thinking. Then we walked in her office we I sat down next to Baba Charlie stood next to me and Franky next to Baba. Franky handed the black suitcase to my friend she asked if it was okay to open it I said yes, she opened it and cried "Angle " thank you so much you knew we needed help to thank you so much. She came over to me and hugged me your welcome. She went back to her desk when there was a knock on the door, come in there was it the bundle of joy that was handed to me I cried and smiled at the same time. Boss, you okay yes boys. Charlie can you hold the new bundle of joy yes boss I passed him to him while I filled out the adoption paperwork. Baba said adoption I said yup he said you are so cool thank you. Charlie placed my son in his car seat. Baba helped me out the chair I hugged my friend goodbye she whispered in my ear thank you so much no problem. We walked to the cars told Baba, please don't tell Eisuke or Soryu Oh okay princess, he gave me a hug and drove off. Let's go, boys, I am beat it will be a long night okay boss.

It has been 3week and refused to talk to the guys I refuse to answer any of there calls, texts or their voicemails. I have only spoken to Baba once in while only if it's for any of my missions but that's all. I have been seeing Luke for home visit's for my pregnancy and he recommended a good children's doctors.

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