Chapter 24

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The arranged marriage with the White Tigers was hidden by her grandmother before she died. She wanted Angle to find true love on her own not be forced to love anyone. Oh said Soryu Oh and the guys. Then Bucci cell went off, okay boys my daughter said it's time for me and ANgle to leave then Eiskue stepped up will take my private jet okay meet us at the airport, okay the boys said also the mission will take 2 weeks long be ready.  Bucci left and Soryu Oh, Ota, Baba, Mamo and Eisuke all left to there rooms and packed for two weeks. Eiskue packed his bag, brought his files and laptop to work on the flight to Italy. All the guys meet up at the penthouse elevator so they can get in the limo outside.

The drive to the airport was to quite, Boss you okay yeah I hope Uncle didn't tell them the arranged marriage to the White Tigers boss that grandma hid from me. It will all work out boss thanks, Charlie. We have arrived at the airport boss then my cell phone went off it was from Eisuke he said we are taking his jet, I texted fine. I waited in the truck with Haru tile the boys come then dad called and face timed me"Hey Hunny how are you and the pregnancy doing". How is my grandson doing, Haru is doing fine dad? How can I help you, dad we talked about the mission in Itlay and also the arranged marriage to the White Tigers Boss. I asked dad a question "Why didn't grandma tell me about the arranged marriage", because she wanted you to find true love after being hurt by Eisuke she knows you loved someone just didn't know how to express your feeling's towards that person. I get it to know dad thank you for the information I understand what grandma did, then Charlie said boss they are here. Okay, dad gotta go stay safe dad he said he will Angle yes dad stay safe to call me if there is a problem.

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