Chapter 32

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1/2 hour later there was a knock boss there ready to sign the agreement.OKay, let them in yes boss.  The men came Angle yes Soryu Oh we agreed they can split and work with both of us they asked if they need to move to London yes also they have an option too if some want to stay in Italy they can join my Uncle's mafia family you have 2 days to figure out where u want to go because we are leaving for London in 2 days. Yes, boss, they signed I need to the men and families that are moving to London. The men without families can live on bass in London. We have housing for the family's that will be good John said. Okay, you can leave with Charlie Uncle texted said if there is are men want to stay in Italy has to be ready in 2 days yes boss said, John, said thanks, boss. I started finishing up work SOryu Oh said Angle yes I said while I was writing he said when are we going to talk I said when I am ready. I called out to Charlie yes boss, Soryu Oh this way sir he kissed my forehead and left the office. Haru started to cry  I got up pushed the stroller to my room. Jasmin was making Haru's bottle its time boss I know Haru told me. Little did Angle know the baby monitor was left on in the living room. Charlie said please listen to my boss can be happy. Jasmin asked Angle you don't seem happy. I am trying i dealt with a thorn that tried to hurt my family, friends and expose the (Black Market) auctions. That's why wanted to handle this one on my own. I know the risk of being pregnant but I needed to prove to Eisuke and Soryu Oh that I am strong and can handle my self.

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