Chapter 23

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He walked around with Haru and he calmed down. I started to cry then Soryu Oh came over to me and hugged me while I cried in his arms. Then Uncle Bucci said we have to leave Angle she has a mission in Itlay to do Oh, the guys say. Charlie yes boss my mission bag ready yes boss is all Harus bags packed yes boss his playpen and suitcase is in the truck waiting for you guys. Okay, I turned to the guys said can you guys join me in Italy for my mission and the wedding. Charlie helped me up he then took Haru from Soryu Oh handed him to Franky. He put Haru in his snowsuit and strapped him in his car seat I told the guys I will meet you guys downstairs I have business to handle come boys yes boss, Caroline you coming yes Angle. I and Caroline left with men little did I know Uncle was talking to Soryu Oh and the guys.

Listen boys and Soryu Oh Angles life is on the line if she doesn't marry soon. This groups boss Bucci throw the file on the table is the White Tigger mafia in Itlay. He has an arranged marriage with Angle for a long time tile she became of age to marry. Before she fell in love with Eisuke the boss was hunting her down, when they found out she was cheated on he thought he had a chance. That's when he found out she was pregnant and engaged to Soryu Oh the boss of the Ice Dragons mafia of Hong Kong. Shit said Ota and Mamo Eisuke said to Angles Uncle Bucci why didn't you guys tell Angle about the arranged marriage or our selves so we could have helped her out. Thing is the White Tiggers found out she is pregnant and just adopted Haru they want to see if she remembers the boss because of the arranged marriage. 

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