Chapter 13

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He gave me the files he said this was from the branch in Hong Kong. We were told we have an alliance with you because of are Boss.Yes, I said then Joseph gave me a list he said these items are to go up for auction from our Boss she would like the money earned from the items to go to the orphanage in London.Okay, I said then Luke said Angle was always this sweet and caring. Joesph said you know are Boss yes Luke said she is a close friend and I am here doctor for the pregnancy. Here this is from my Boss he handed Luke a letter Luke read it over Luke said he will have everything ready for her arrival okay Doc thanks, Joesph said.Thank you, I will let my Boss know what you said.Now if you excuse me Soryu and doc I have to get things ready for my boss arrival, have a good night gentleman.

Samijima left with Joesph and my video chat went off. Hello, sir hello Soryu how have you been? Have you heard from Angle, no sir she has been very busy working oh okay is what Angles uncle said? Then there was a knock on the door sir you have visitors who could they be let them in and all I saw was Charlie, Franky, and strolled in is the woman I love so much Angle.Soryu yes sir has my pkg. arrive yes sir Uncle he is very surprised I know I see well gotta go have fun with the present I sent you Soryu. Bye sir and thank you so much for the gift any time Soryu.Oh, Soryu yes sir is the auction set up for the Red Dragons items to be sold for good prices so the money goes to the orphanage in London.

By Uncle, by Angle call me if you have any problems yes uncle. Charlie told Soryu Angle wants to go to the penthouse lounge and see the guys.Lets go Charlie okay boss he helped me up off the couch and we walked out of the Ice Dragons headquarters to our truck. Soryu took his truck and I got in my truck we drove to Tres Spades London Hotel what will wait for me when I see him again what will he do when he sees my growing belly and what will he do when he finds out I am mafia Boss and mafia princess engaged to his best friend to...

Kissed by the baddest bidder  Eisukes Family or what was his family?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ