Chapter 26

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After I changed and dressed Haru I gave him to Charlie to hold him while I went to the bathroom. When I walked back I passed Eisuke whispering to Baba saying "I think something is wrong with Angle". Little did Eisuke or Soryu Oh know this about my mission but my men and Baba. After Haru was feed and burped I placed him in his car seat and strapped him his car seat placed a light blanket on him so he could rest. I whispered to Charlie ask Samijima and Inu to be extra protection for Haru, please. I am going to sleep, Okay boss. I put on my headphones on my head and turned my iPod on played relaxing music to sleep.

Charlie walked over to Inu and Samijima talked them both quietly they both nodded then Charlie walked back to his seat. Soryu Oh feels like something is up but doesn't know what it is yet but he feels like he will find out soon he hopes. It has been hour and hours flying to Italy from London, Boss wakes up okay we are here I said. Then my cell went off I looked at it then looked at Charlie and Franky they nodded so I answered it. Yes, this is Angle understood okay bye. Let's go boys yes boss. Charlie grabbed my stuff while Franky carried Haru and his car seat. While I was walking past the guys Soryu Oh got up and tried to help me I yelled out "NO" then Samijima stepped in Boss yes he whispered in his ear okay Samijima she is your hands watch her closely yes boss. Inu helped me out the jet while Franky passed Haru's car seat to Charlie where he walked out the jet holding him. Franky helped bring the rest of Haru's bags out of the jet where One of the other men collected the stuff and brought it to the black truck. My men were meeting up with me we were far away from the jet so I talked to my men and Uncle Bucci about the phone call. Mamo told the guy's Angle's in trouble Soryu Oh, Eisuke looked at each other then they both said at the same time said: "Something is up why won't she tell us anything". Charlie said when she is ready she will tell you guys but for now just wait and trust her and wait to see what her next move is.

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