Chapter 7

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I showed Soryu Oh to my room so we cant be disturbed. I slipped my heels off and saw his bags here he said Samijima dropped it off while we were at the park talking, oh okay that's cool and I blushed.i asked Soryu Oh if he would like to join me in the shower and man my face is red hot like a boiled lobster. He hugged me in the behind and whispered in my ear I moaned he said I love to. Soryu Oh stripped me out the dress and saw the ice dragons garter belt on my leg he then started to kiss my leg and took the garter belt with his teeth I was blushing so bad trying to hold in my moans.

We ended up having passionate sex in the shower and after we were done he washed my body and man that was hard to hold the moans in then we soaked in the tub together. I played my back against his chest and he rubbed my belly we both said at the same time we love each other.Once we got out the shower we ended up sleeping tangled up in each other's arms and legs. He kissed my forehead good night my lovely Angle.

We spent a whole 2 weeks together getting to know each other and man sex is so amazing. He asked me out for a date I was working in my office when my brothers and Samijima came in with Charlie boss, sister these are for you then Samijima said these are from my boss to you please wear for tonight's date thank you, guys. Samijima said the car will be here at 6:00 pm okay thank you, guys. Samijima left with the boys and Charlie I finished up my work in my office hour later got up took the gift boxes and walked to my room. Shut and locked the door I left the boxes on my bed and jumped in the shower. Once I got out the shower I had a towel wrapped around my growing pregnant belly I open the boxes and there was a sexy pregnant flowing short pink sparkly dress with heels and jewelry with a matching purse. There was a love note from Soryu Oh wear this my dear cant wait to see you. -love Soryu Oh. I finished getting dressed when my mom walked in through the secret door in my room she helped me do my make-up and my hair we talked about grandma and work. We also talked about he pregnancy and how I am so happy with Soryu Oh. I told her he makes me so happy and giddy inside. He makes me feel special.

She helped me put on my jewelry on I stood up I slipped on my matching heels on mom walked me out the door where my boys were waiting all dressed up. I smiled at Charlie and Franky walked out the door with me and I was shocked there was a limo here for me. Charlie rode with me in the limo while Franky followed behind in my truck for my safety.I was so nervous when my work cell went off yes this is Angle yes okay thank you. The driver drove us to this remote place I have never heard about. It was so quite Franky opened the door Charlie helped me out the limo all I saw were candles everywhere man it looked so romantic. Charlie walked ahead of me I was in the middle and Franky walked behind for my safety I wonder whats down the candle lite path...

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