Chapter 4

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Baba said here he put the video cd in we watched Angle leave with two men in black suits. I need to find her then I looked at Soryu Oh he told me "No" Angle told me not to find her she will find us. Eisuke fell in the chair pissed off, sad and lonely without her.Then the manager came in with two letters one for Eisuke and one for Soryu Oh then he left the lounge. Eisuke read his first and stormed off to his office.I read my letter it said "Angle's grandma died and she took over the family business please don't find me I will come to you guys when I am ready and calm a stronger woman. " Thank you Baba, Ota, Soryu Oh and Mamo for being family to me for three years miss you guys love - Angle 

All we hear is Eisuke is him throwing things in his office. While I was at the party I got a call that grandma has passed away. I called Charlie he nodded the gift baskets were put in the truck we left the party it was in full swing. I meet mom and dad at the front entrance to the mansion of the Red Dragons headquarters.They hugged me while the men carried the gifts and baskets they asked Boss where do you want them I said in my office okay they said and left us to mourn grandmas passing. We walked in the house when we bumped into the doctor. The doctor said the funeral home will be here shortly to pick up your grandma he also said, Angle, your grandmas wanted you to have this it's her will thank you. He then left we all cried for a couple minutes. 

It has been a week since grandmas funeral I have been busy crazy with mafia family work and seeing the pregnancy doctor. My belly is growing every day little one is always moving when there was a knock on the door, yes, Boss you ready yes the maids left and dad, Charlie walked in you look amazing. Dad said good luck with the business deal and arranged marriage. Thank you, dad, he hugged me I am wearing Soryu Ohs favorite dress a crimson pregnancy dress I slipped my heels on, under the dress is a garter belt for the Ice Dragons boss. I grabbed my purse with my guns in it then grabbed my cell phones and we left for the meeting.I walked through the front doors and my first in command and second in command is waiting for me by my truck I say let's go, boys. Uncle called Charlie yes sir okay. He hung up Soryu Oh is there with his men okay let us go okay boss...       

Kissed by the baddest bidder  Eisukes Family or what was his family?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat