Extra - Valentines Day

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Warning: Sexual stuff in here. Yep. That's all. You know not to read it if you don't want to. Though I will warn you.

I wake up to jumping on my bed. I open my eyes and see it is my 7 year old little boy. We ended up have a little boy as our second child. He stopped jumping.

"Hi, Mommy!" He smiled, showing me his to missing front teeth.

"Hi baby" I smile back. 

I look off to the side of my bed and expect to see Jack, but I don't. Instead, I smell the smell of breakfast.

Gavin, my son, gets up and pulls me out of bed. I was in Jack shirt and a pair of sweatpants, so I was safe that he would see anything. 

I walk down the 2 story house we now own and go to the kitchen. I see my, now 15-year-old girl, sitting eats breakfast. While my husband wasn't facing me, but he was cooking food.

Gavin ran ahead and struggled to get on the chair, but his sister helps him out. I sneakily so behind Jack.  Scarlett saw me and was about to tell before I signal not to tell. She closed her mouth and continued eating.

I continued to sneak towards him. I jump on his back. He wasn't expecting me, so he let go of the spatula he was holding and grabbed my legs, to support me and stumbled back a little before making himself stable.

When he realized that it was me he let go of my legs. I struggled to stay on, and I ended up falling off. He turned around and looked down at me. 

He smiled and started to kiss me. We were interrupted by Gavin saying ewww. So instead of kissing on the lips, he kissed me on the forehead.

"Looks like someone is finally up," He said with a sly smile on his face.

I roll my eyes at him and sit with my kids. I watch Jack cook and admire his muscles moving. I didn't even realize that my kids were already on there way out to school. They yelled their goodbyes and I turned back to Jack.

"I'm such a bad mother," I said putting my heads in my face.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled my hands away from my face. 

"You are not a bad mother, you are the best," He said, kissing me. This time on the lips.

I kissed back. We continued kissing. It hard to believe that we aren't 18 anymore. We sure act like it. After our 2 kid, we didn't stop having sex. Gavin was never much of a cryer, so we had our alone time.

Although when Gavin started to walk, he would come in our bedroom and interrupt what we were doing, more of the times were making out, which would have gone to sex, but he would interrupt that. We put him in daycare and got him out of the house and we got private time.

Scarlett is a good girl. She doesn't do anything we wouldn't like. Then again we are pretty chill and wouldn't hate her if she did do something. She even goes to church. As a family, we never go to church, but she gets a ride from her friend's parents, who do go to church.

Anyway, we had stopped kissing and were now eating breakfast.

"I have a surprise for you," Jack said, talking out of nowhere.

"Oh really?" I said after swallowing the food I had in my mouth.

"Yep. Go get ready. We have a big day ahead of us. Dress nice" He said.

"What about the kids?" I asked.

"Liza and Peter are going to pick him up and have a play date," He said, "Now go get ready."

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