Chapter 10 - A Deal

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Jack's POV-

I exit Rosie's room and started to walk to Anne room. I know what I'm doing is right. I have loved Rose since I moved here.

Her long blonde hair and pretty blue eyes. What's not to love, although she can be sassy at times that's what makes her special.

Anne, although innocent looking on the outside, her personality is just horrible. She never wants to talk about anything I would like to talk about. I know it sounds stupid, but I want a woman that I can talk about some stuff I like to talk about.

All Anne ever want to talk about is clothes or makeup.

I knock on Anne's door and the door open Anne puts on a fake smile

"Babbyy!!" She squealed. I'm pretty sure my eardrums are about to break with all the squealing she does.

She hugged me, but I didn't hug her back. In fact, I pulled away.

"Babe? What wrong" She questioned

"I know your cheating on me," I said. I didn't really know if she was, but that would be how I got out of this relationship without spilling that I like her sister.

"W-What are you talking about," she said looking like a deer caught in headlights.

"Don't play stupid. We are over" I said with no emotions, and start walking down the hall.

"If you leave me I will tell the whole school what you did." She said. I knew exactly was she was talking about. 

I glared at her "You wouldn't"

"Believe me. I would." She said "Now. Come in and we can discuss is like adults"

In defeat, I enter her room. She closes the door and I sit at her desk and she sits on her bed.

"So, since you know I cheated on you, this relationship isn't really going to work, but you are how I'm popular. I need to stay popular, so let's make a deal. I can fuck or date whoever I want and you can do the same, in private. You can do the same. In public, we are still the loving couple.We only have to keep it up until summer." She proposed.

I went over it a thousand times in my head. It seems reasonable. I mean, it's not like my feeling are going to change. I will still love Rose. I just don't know how Rosie will react to this.

"Okay," I said.

"Oh, and we have to make sure my family is convinced that we are still engaged."

I nod my head and get up to leave.

"and whatever is going on with my sister and you, ends today," she added

I turned my head and looked at her.

"She is the only person I want and if you take that away, I swear, I will not only tell the whole school what happened to me, I will also make your life a living hell. Got that." I said in a deep, threatening voice.

The brave face she was putting on a second ago has now dissolved into pure fear.

She nodded her head many times.

"Good," I said leaving the room.

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