38: Punches

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We began talking.

"What happened out there?" He asked.

"Emily tried to threaten me." I said.

"Why did she threaten you?" He asked.

"She said I needed to stay away from you or it'll be the last thing I do. I didn't take her seriously and she went to punch me but instead I dodged it and punched her in the face." I said.

"Emma, that may not have been your smartest decision." He said as we entered my cell. He paused, but started again, "She can barely fight off walkers. How was that fair?" He said.

"She asked for it when she swung on me, how was it not fair?" I asked.

"You and I both know she wouldn't be able to fight back." He said.

"It doesn't make what she did right. If she were to hit me the same thing would've happened." I said.

"But she didn't." He said.

I was about to say something when Maggie appeared in my doorway. "Can I talk to you Emma?" She asked.

"Sure." I said.

"Alone?" She said but more questioned.

Carl left.

"Everything okay..?" I asked.

"Yeah, I was just told to talk to you. Daryl would've but he was exposed to the sickness earlier." She paused. "Anyways, it's not okay to punch people." She said.

"I know that but did you tell her that? She swung on me first." I said.

"Can you just tell me what all happened so I can get a better understanding of the situation." She said.

"Okay, well. I was walking up here and Emily and Taylor decided to come up to me. Emily likes Carl, and swears I do too. Well, him and I were hanging out all day and she told me that I needed to stay away from him or it'll be the last thing I ever did. I found that hilarious, she doesn't even know how to fight off walkers but she's gonna threaten me. Anyways, today I was just over most things. My mom has slapped me, I knocked her out. I found a bottle of alcohol in her room too. Okay, back to Emily. Well, after I started laughing at her threat she got mad and went to punch me, well I dodged it and then punched her. Taylor even thought about trying to come at me. But I told her I'd do the same to her. Lastly, I told Emily to go clean herself up because it's disgusting to just sit there dripping blood." I said.

"She told me that you randomly just hit her." She said.

"Well, she's lying. I may not like her but I don't hit people for no reason." I said.

"I believe you. Emily doesn't seem trustworthy" Maggie said.

"Also, you broke her nose." Maggie concluded and walked away.

I took a deep breath. I was starting to feel bad. I shouldn't though, she swung first. I should've just let her go though, like Carl said, she can't even fight off walkers.

I wonder when it'll be clear for me to see my dad. I can't explain why, but he's the only person I want to talk to right now. I want to tell him about my mom. I want to just talk to him in all honesty.

Dixon's Daughter • The Walking DeadTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang