Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

"Are you guys ready to see what your dad's been working on?"

The two nodded their heads enthusiastically and Tom chuckled. Soon, the lights dimmed and Tom shushed them as they directed their attention to the stage.

Towards the end of the performance, Tom excused himself from the audience to head backstage for the bows. He quickly kissed Alice's cheek as he passed by her, earning an even quicker smile. When the show was over and the students took their bows, they took a few steps back and Tom entered onto the stage. Once he was seen, Alice and all the others stood from their seats, cheering and clapping for him as he took his own bow. He then stepped to the side, allowing the students to take one more bow as an ensemble before walking offstage. There, he congratulated all the students on their hard work and ushered them out into the lobby to see their friends and family. Tom then did his best to thank the production crew backstage as he headed to the lobby.

Once outside, he smiled brightly as his entourage began clapping and speaking their praises. He knelt down as Daniel and Emma came running up towards him. He wrapped their arms around them and groaned as he stood up, holding them both on his hips.

"You two are always growing. Can't you stop for just a few minutes?"

He pressed a kiss to each of their heads as he walked over to the group. He went to Alice first as she took his face in her hands, pulling him in for a kiss.

"It was phenomenal, Tom. Truly." She told him.

He pulled back, beaming with joy as he turned to everyone else. Shortly after, Janelle had come up to Tom and congratulated him on his work.

"As usual, a fabulous performance."

"Thank you, Janelle. Your words are greatly appreciated." Tom replied.

"And it's nice to see you again, Alice, and the kids."

"Same to you. I'm certain that you'll be getting a review from these little critics tomorrow morning." Alice laughed.

"I liked it!" Emma exclaimed.

"Well, that review's a bit early." Tom joked, kissing her cheek.

"Now, I know I've met your mother, but who is everyone else with you?" Janelle inquired.

"Oh, yes! They are Alice's family."

"Well, not technically family, but close enough." Alice chuckled.

Janelle began introducing herself to them as Tom placed Daniel and Emma down on the floor next to Diana. Seeing everyone preoccupied with Janelle, Tom took Alice's hand and whispered in her ear to follow him. Alice rolled her eyes as she followed him outside of the building.

"Where are we going?" Alice raised her brow.

"I hope you haven't forgotten the walks we had going from the theater to my office." Tom replied.

"I haven't. Why? Am I in trouble, professor?"

She giggled seeing Tom's jaw clench as he tightened his grip on her hand. She let out a quick yelp as Tom wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her to his side.

"You and I are going to have a little bit of fun." He spoke, sending shivers down her spine.

After the short walk, Tom used his keycard to enter the building and enter his office. Inside, Alice looked around the room and noticed that he hadn't changed it much except for the photos that hung on the wall behind him. She remembered the first time she had stepped into his office and asked him about the photos, seeing Diane on the wall. Something within her felt victorious seeing her photo on the wall along with their children. She then looked back over at the bookshelf and smirked noting that they were all still in alphabetical order. Tom locked the door behind him, watching Alice as she ran her hands over the spines of the books.

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