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Arabella's pov :

When I seen him all of reality came crashing down on me like the waves of a riptide . A monster . A girl. Hell. I was naive to think I would fit , that somehow It would work , and the sad truth is this isn't a fairytale ... and happy endings don't exist all that happens is the end . There's no welcoming party or warming embrace , instead your bare and empty left with the thought of how it turned out so tragically wrong . I would love to say I seen every memory of my time with him and was madly in love , that I made a friend who I could trust , and most of all that all the brutal attacks mentally and physically had been worth it because in the end I had a love that was eternal . If I said those things I'd be lying not just to myself but to the universe . The truth is when I look at the memories that flickered through my mind like a movie screen I was scared and inevitably damaged in a way that no matter if the saying " where there's a girl with a broken heart , there's a boy with a glue gun"  were true for some , it was just useless noise , external and not a part of me . And the hatred and twinge of pain gave me enough strength to break out of the innocent bubble I portrayed myself in . The joy that ran through my bones when I slapped him as it echoed through the room, this is what I'd been waiting to seep out like a thick poison ,  the mightiness I never knew , I now felt with the very core emotion of the suffering I held in for so long  .  Oh but the way he looked at me would have sent my pulse racing and my mind crashing . This man who had once held me so dearly when I was near dead , was only what I had hid from myself with lies and excuses for his actions , love is deadly and too much is lethal . I almost didn't make it because he could not bear his stubborn heart and this time the game has changed and I had the power , quite frankly the pieces were mine to play if I so choose to do. I burned for him , bleed for him , and with every drop of my blood and soul that he stole with his  lips I thought was so sweet was now the bitter cold I felt in my bones . I couldn't but help but grin when it was his turn to be struck , when my delicate hand impacted his chiseled cheek, the thrill of remembrance of when he once beat me  and kicked me when I was already down begging for the mercy that was never once given to me in my pitiful life . A concealed weapon only drawn when one day it wasn't so concealed but drawn and ready and if you weren't careful would hit you with a bang . No I wasn't this strong person who drew strength from darkness , I didn't want to be like this , but what dwells in darkness will make even the depths of hell home. I am human but the nature of the earth that I grounded myself on was a part of me , however If I am threatened I will now   hesitate to draw the darkness I call home and strike down those who cause the pain I tried so hard to get rid of . People like me want the light , the pure , the hope that life will one day be beautiful , but we are not meant for it and can barely touch it . We are not created  lovely or with a fire in our hearts and souls. We are created for the worst , broken and shattered, and most of all no matter how much we want it to end and the darkness to cease , we are immune and indestructible . I'd love to say that when this negativity happens I can regain myself and know that what harshness underneath my skin with become the calm life of earth and serenity , only it won't because the trust is broken and what is left of my heart blacked is  the ink smudged on the love letter meant to be sent . The heart that was revived by him will surely be the one that will drown him with magma, blackened over and hardened , there is no melting it .  The small part of me that exists screams that I just need to break myself from him , my intuition screaming what my soul can foresee dangerously is drawing near. I love how drastically it is still there even after the scorch , I know the pain is there deep and most importantly... buried so that in this moment I shall not feel it . I'm slipping into it even as my whole body tears my mind and my heart to shreds with the pain and scar that he has added to all the other collections of scars of my once beating heart.  Yes the heartily beats , but even people die of broken hearts ... and surely mine will die as well as it's already heavy beating has slowed to an unnerving pace. For once I might be able to end this life . From the earth I am bore and to the earth I shall return. The people's stares I normally would cower from I not stood not as the girl who once fret over every thought so loudly  , now was a silent straightened force who was silent . My heart broke when I seen the girl his mind flittered to , he told me he would love me , forever and always was a promise . Now the promise is void and I no longer care whom he seeks but rather he not show his face in my presence for the anger that is boiling the blood in my veins will spill in an acid I do not fear spitting . I changed in that instant not for him , not for loss , but for me , for my survival . In this fire that caused the burn of a volcano in my heart would not leave him unscathed to move on perfectly , but to burn to ashes what  he valued most, spark by spark , and flame by flame .  But for now I shall go with grace , for plans like these take time , just like how my scar tissue grew ... with time . And with the deadly look I knew would shake the room and him to the core I curtsied with a smirk and walked silently , without a sound of footsteps , and left as others had taught me countless times .

Your hearts in the ground frozen over , my hearts in the sky supernova . 🌙🖤

Hey all of you lovely people !
I've decided to finish the book . As you may or not be able to tell I have not been on for a very very long time  which is mostly due to life changes ,etc. I know many of you know that there is no excuse to not write but I've been developing as a writer since learning and experiencing life so I feel that it is only essential to finish the book I started a few years ago. No I'm not going to be just negative 🙃 I will go into more detail and if course build up to the more gracious moments . I cannot thank you for your endless support and for continuing to read even when the chapter is dull and short , mostly those of you who are still here possibly from the beginning of my book thank you .Maybe to you the reader the grammar is sloppy and unbearable and the story is jumbled and complex , but it is being updated / added to/ and corrected accordingly when the book ends . I'd rather fix it when I finish so you are not waiting for an update as long . Again the support of 27K of you guys reading my random ,I did because I was  bored and loved writing and reading , it means the world I am not a big author but for thousands to read is incredible when I only though the highest would be 100 . I LOVE YOU ALL !!AND UPDATES AND HOPEFULLY COMPLETION WILL BE SOON ♥️ I LOVE YOU TILL THE ENDS OF THE EARTH LOVLIES ♥️♥️

Sincerely ,
Ally 🦋

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2018 ⏰

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