The reality of things

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I don't really know what I expected when I came here but I knew it wasn't good and I've been proven right.Master is a nightmare one that I somehow am not afraid to face , of course there's darius the sure thing that i won't get hurt by. however that's the thing ,I adore both darius and master I can take a risk and try to be with master or I can take the sure thing a live happily ever after. I don't know what made me think of this but I can't ignore the fact that something is up with the both of them , master is a monster and a scary one at that but still it seems he's not what he seems to be. Darius is my chance to be free and be in love , I know it shouldn't be a choice but I can't help it . I don't even know if I can think of master like that after everything , master problebly dosnt even care. By now my mind I'd wandering in so many directions it's almost impossible to keep focus of reality. I went Into masters office , I don't know but I wanted to talk to him about everything I just felt like I had to.I don't seem to know anymore I'm positive I'm being girly and it's weird I'm not used to it. "Master" I say "what is it Arebella? " he says slightly annoyed  "why are you the way you are?" I say a bit fast and he looks at me a bit suprised "wouldn't you like to know" he says "yeah i would like to know" I pause a moment before adding "but I'm trying to be nice so it would help if you would too."   he laughed and then paused "why should i" he said "you probly shouldn't but i wanna know why  you hate me so much when i didn't do a thing to you!" I say frustrated  "you did plenty" he says "like what!?" I shout "ever since i bought you everything's been so messed up , you changed everything and not to mention the fact that you irritate me so much!" he says clenching his fists "and how do i irritate you oh so much?" I say "you mess up everything I was the one who everyone feared and you make me weak! I was okay and then you came and messed with my head! " he said angrily " and How did i do that?!" I say defensively "like I said your make me weak I don't know how but you do and the way you argue right  back and  the way you look when your angry... " he trailed off "yeah because the stuff you do is total BS and how do i look when I'm angry?" I say still defensively  you look like BS "" he says "you would know" I say  and he pounds his fists on the table and it broke and he got uo and walked over to me and I didn't back down I stood still and refused to move. "aww poor damen is mad, i wonder why" I say sarcastically  and he clechie his fists "Screw it okay I'm mad at you because i love you!" he shouts  and I step back and then give him a confused look "how? you hurt me and then you do this stuff" I say ''I get angry just like you and i get jelous sometimes I don't know what I'm doing and I-I hurt you "  he says I look at him he looks sad , my thoughts are screaming at me to stop thinking about him sweetly , but my heart is telling me it might be worth it. I think of how darius might react , right now I can't even react so I can't imagine how he would feel... "I need to think" I say before running to my room.

A/N: yes another short chapter , I don't really know how to keep the story going but I have a few ideas . As usual thank all you lovely people for voting , commenting etc. I love you all!
Shout out too:
& last but not least

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