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~Narrated by Leslie Rivera-Martinez~

Ana: Sam likes to play her when he needs a healer. No one mains her, though.

Bastion: Sorry, Bastion. No one here likes you. Better luck next time, buddy.

D.va: I don't play D.va, I AM D.va. Spiritually. She's my main, actually.

Genji: Amelia, back in Rome, plays Genji occasionally. She's a weeb, so it makes sense. Maybe she needs healing?

Hanzo: Again, Amelia. I guess she's got a thing for Japanese dudes.

Junkrat: My main bro Leo mains Junkrat, and I play him on defense.

Lucio: My favorite support to play, and the best frog around. A lot of us like to play him, actually, especially Hazel, for some reason.

McCree: Percy, surprisingly. He likes noon, I suppose.

Mei: Annabeth mains her, actually. She's the cruelest Mei I have ever met, and that's scary.

Mercy: Again, Annabeth plays her, but Will mains her, which makes sense. If Ellie played, she would play Mercy as well.

Pharah: Percy plays Pharah, as well. Must be the blue suit.

Reaper: Who else but Stella and Nico would fight over the edgiest character in the game? The edgy lovebirds, that's who.

Reinhardt: Can you guess who mains Reinhardt? Hint: They have nearly the same armor and weapon. Yup, it's Sam! Justice will be done!

Roadhog: Clarisse is a monster with Roadhog. She's trying to get Coach Hedge into playing him as well.

Soldier: 76: Claire, surprisingly. If he was real, she'd ask him to be her dad. For Sam, I will make this joke: He'd be her daddy.

Sombra: I like playing Sombra on offense, and Joe likes to main her.

Symmetra: Have you ever seen a wild Reyna playing Symmetra? She's like the strategic goddess of Symmetra, I can never find her turrets in time.

Torbjorn: Aaron doesn't get on often, being a responsible and quiet person, but he likes Torb.

Tracer: Zip! You just missed Claire, if she isn't playing 76.

Widowmaker: Stella, if Nico gets to Reaper before she can, plays the second edgiest character. Go figure, right? Surprisingly, she's a damn good shot, be it the machine gun or sniper.

Winston: Frank likes to play Winston, if he can get a break from his duties long enough. He's our Harambe!

Zarya: Clarisse, again. She just really likes tanks, and Zarya seems to suit her. Stella plays her occasionally. It's actually pretty fun to play with her.

Zenyatta: Hazel will play as Zenyatta as well, if she needs to.

I'm Overwatch trash. Fight me. 


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