Birthdays and Hackers are Funny!

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Leslie Rivera-Martinez has opened a chat with Claire Whitlock, Ellie Davis, and Samuel Williams.

Leslie has set their nickname to Les.

Les has set Ellie's nickname to Davis.

Les has set Samuel's nickname to Sam.

Les has set Claire's nickname to Claire.

Sam: WTF?

Les: Stella's birthday is next week.

Claire: So is Nico's. His is on the 28th, though, and not the 29th.

Les: Oooohhh, nice. Even more embarrassment.

Davis: What?!?

Les: I'm pulling a birthday prank on Stella, and now probably Nico, too. You guys wanna help?

Claire: Sure!

Sam: I'm up for that.

Davis: Errr... Okay?

Les: Sweet! Here's the deal...

~A few days later~

Stella Santiago has updated their status.

Stella Santiago: Heyyooo my name is Stella and it is my wonderful bf's bday todayyy!! It's mine tomorrow too, but happy fucking birthday Nico!!!! And, so I don't delete this later, my friends have changed the post's settings so I can't delete it!! Yayyy!!! Unicorns!!! Hot dogs!!! Blue birthday cake!!! Smooches!!! [Happy, B-Day, Stels and Nicky! Sincerely, your friendly neighborhood hackers. ]

Jason Grace: Holy Hephaestus...

Travis Stoll: Bravo, hackers, bravo! I salute you!

Stella Santiago: I WILL MURDER YOU ALL

Nico Di Angelo: ME TOO

Claire Whitlock: Aww, the lovebirds are working together!!

Ellie Davis: That's really cute!!!!

Stella Santiago: FUCK

Samuel Williams: Oh, so that's what you two do at night...

Leslie Rivera-Martinez: XD

Stella Santiago: You will die at my hand Williams, MARK MY WORDS

Nico Di Angelo has updated their status.

Nico Di Angelo: My turns!! It's my happy happy bday today, and it's my STELLAr gf's bday tomorrow! so, happy sparkle-day, babe!!! Cupcakes! Rainbows! Butterflies!! I can't delete this either, thanks to the awesomest hackers in the world!! Love ya Stels!!!! [ Have fun you two. Don't forget protection *wink wink* - Team Awesome]

Alex Santiago: ... After I finish laughing, do you want me to trace the location of the post?

Nico Di Angelo: Yes, please. Before I shove someone into the Styx.

Alex Santiago: FRICKIN- GAH!

Joseph Andrews: *eyebrow raise*

Alex Santiago: I tried to backtrace it, and all it lead me to was a page blaring "Never Gonna Give You Up," with a troll face pic on it.

Aaron Michaels: Hm, those are some good hackers. They're really good with computers.

Joseph Andrews: They could also be good with plants, the sun, machines, and stealing things.

Nico di Angelo: .........MARTINEZ! WILLIAMS! WHITLOCK! IMMA KILL YOU! Not you Els, you can live...for now

Ellie Davis has updated their status.



Leslie Rivera-Martinez: BLADES ARE FOR SKATIN-

Claire Whitlock: Ya dingusg[f\ FefmG"KMdkAJvE{IFJdklfeoiwfdopvd

Samuel Williams: Man down, man do32943=viofje THREE DOWN, ONE TO GO

Leslie Rivera-Martinez: NOOOOOOO!!!!

Boredom+Stella giving me the idea+Music = Random chapter ~Foxtrot~

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