Supernatural (filler)

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Percy Jackson has updated their status.

Percy Jackson: Hey, has anyone seen Supernatural. I was wondering if it'd be a good show.

Nico Di Angelo: DON'T WATCH IT!!

Percy Jackson: Why? What makes it so bad the ghost king hates it, shouldn't you like it out of all of us?


Stella Santiago: Hey, they use the holy water to defeat demons, not the ghosts.

Nico Di Angelo: Still, why do they have to make ghost hunting look so easy?

Annabeth Chase: The creators want their audience to sleep at night and continue watching the show.

Leslie Rivera-Martinez: Oh, how do you defeat ghosts?

Nico Di Angelo: Why would I tell you? It's like when you asked how to summon a ghost, nothing good can come from that.

Percy Jackson: Anyway, anyone else other than Nico have an option on Supernatural.

Claire Whitlock: I like it, Castiel is my favorite character.

Stella Santiago: I don't think Percy is looking for a cinnamon roll angel. It's a good show in my opinion, good action.

Nico Di Angelo: Traitor!

Leo Valdez: When did you turn into TR-8R?

Samuel Williams: TRAITOR! *spins stick into oblivion*

Nico Di Angelo: Who is that? And what the hell, Sam?

Stella Santiago: Haven't you seen Force Awakens?

Nico Di Angelo: Yeah, what does this TR-8R guy got to do about it?

Stella Santiago: ...

Leo Valdez: I'll tell you later, so your girlfriend doesn't maim you...

Ellie Davis: Back to want to Percy was saying it, I haven't seen it either but I've heard a lot of things about it.

Stella Santiago: You'd like it Ellie, you're character would be Sammy

Ellie Davis: >:[

Leslie Rivera-Martinez : Can we go back how to defeat ghosts? The Ghostbusters live too far away..

Nico Di Angelo: I'll give you a hint, Not Table Salt And An Iron Firepick

Annabeth Chase: Why else do you hate supernatural Nico

Nico Di Angelo: Have you seen what the character of Death looks like, Thanatos looks nothing like that. Also they make it seem anyone can ghost hunt.

Stella Santiago: Okay, not everyone can become come a hunter in that world.

Nico Di Angelo: Literally Sam just says he's a hunter, no training at all, just some weapons and salt and he's good.

Leo Valdez: Is this just Nico getting mad at Supernatural?

Nico Di Angelo: I was just telling Percy he shouldn't watch it because of how incorrect it is.

Sam Williams: Great, it's Stella and Hercules all over again...

Leo Valdez: ?

Aaron Michaels: Don't ask...

Claire Whitlock: Did you know they mentioned Roman, Egyptian, and even Japanese gods but never mention Greek gods.

Percy Jackson: Really, not even once?!

Stella Santiago: Nah, they used Hermes once...he was evil tho... 

Claire Whitlock: Besides that one, they always the Roman names.

Percy Jackson: Jeez, they can't even give some respect to the Greeks.

Leslie Rivera-Martinez: Maybe it's all Greek to them.

Stella Santiago: You have made me proud

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