Chapter 31: Eyes Wide Open

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, the little extenders and everything," Sans agreed. "I've mostly been using my magic to drive anyhow. I control it faster than my bony little nubby feet." He looked toward her again. "Sad about the car?" 

"Kind of." Frisk snuggled up more to the side.  

Okay . . . fine with him stabbing her, but not about her car. She even knew Papyrus and Alphys were trapped in a barrier, and her parents were missing. And . . . the car? "You sure you don't want a match?" 

"I don't want a match!" She yelled at him. "I just . . . want my car." 

Sans looked over at the matches anyhow. Gotta be emotional. Really high emotional. He had no idea which color that one had been. There were so many colors. He checked the labeling to see if he could figure it out. Uh oh. 

Warning! Only use one kind of match per day. 

He already used a craving match, so he wouldn't be able to use them anyhow. He could use another craving, but not emotional. He couldn't mix the magic. Great. It was really up to him. "We kind of have to. Everyone is after us, and they probably know your car by now." 

"Well, can't we just paint it?" 

"Think they'd figure that out, Frisk." Aye. "Look, life sucks. I mean, right now Papyrus and Alphys are trapped until we go back too. It sucks all the way around. So, can you just get over it?" 

Oh. No, that didn't work. Frisk undid her seatbelt and got out of the car. Sans sunk his skull. His 'life sucks, just get over it' speech wasn't going to work either. He got out of the car and followed after her. "Hey, where are you going?" 

"Away," Frisk said as she started to walk away from the dealership.  

"Um." Let's see. "Knock-knock." 


Okay, bad. Can't use a match. Good thing she wasn't in this mood when I stabbed her last night. "Aw, come on, I'm not a salesman. Answer the door." After a few seconds he added. "You're supposed to answer after the pregnant pause." 

"Stop it." Frisk almost sounded like she was begging. "Just leave me alone. Go sell my car and just leave me be." She kept walking again.  


"Just do whatever, it's not like I'm in charge of anything in my life," she said as she kept walking. 

Sans was internally starting to scream as he caught back up to her. He stayed in front of her, walking backwards. "Come on, ladykid. Let's relax, okay? We can go back to the car and work on this, okay? Come on?" Dangit. She was still crying. It wasn't like Frisk at all, and emotions weren't exactly something he could physically battle. 

Where were Undyne and Asriel? Maybe the little cat would cheer her up again. Anything at this rate. Okay. What do people do with emotional pregnant women? He checked his phone. Oh. "Sure, let's go for a walk together. How about around the block?" 

Frisk stopped and turned the other way again, then turned back. "I don't know. I don't know what to do." 

"Okay, relax." 

"Stop saying that!" Frisk turned the other way again, and then turned back. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell." 

"Hey, it's okay." Sans felt useless. "This is kind of natural. Take it easy. Your body is adjusting to your changes inside, and it's making your hormones go a little whack-a-doodle. So, you want to walk? Let's walk." 

"I don't know what I want." Frisk wiped the tears out of her eyes. "I don't want to be crying. This is pathetic. I've gone through so much and I'm crying over my car. But, I can't help it." 

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