Chapter 43 - Junior Prom

Start from the beginning

I didn't know exactly what to do. Part of me wanted to kiss him for such a sweet gesture. The other part of me thought it might be weird especially with all the history between us so I just settled for a hug. "Okay you two, picture time," my mom grinned holding her camera. "You look like Cinderella," she told me emotionally as we posed for our prom photos.

"Sorry about that," I giggled a bit as Finn and I left my house. "Nah it's cool. It's nice to see your mom so excited," Finn said as I got into his car. "Listen...I was wondering...." I began. "Yes?" Finn said. "....I know we just agreed to go as friends but we're over what happened last year. Can't we try again," I said as Finn took a deep breath. "Quinn...I know last year we were a couple but after we broke up it felt...right. Besides that there's someone who I'm not exactly over," Finn said. "You mean Rachel," I said hurt. "Yes I mean Rachel. I know we broke up but I think I'm ready to forgive her," Finn said as I shook my head. "Unbelievable. It's just so unbelievable," I said. "I didn't want to lead you on," Finn frowned. "Oh it's not that I'm upset about Finn. Look, I'm happy that you love Rachel, I really am. I was just hoping tonight this wouldn't come up," I sighed. "I'm sorry," Finn frowned. "It's fine," I shrugged walking off, trying to hold myself together.

Puck, Sam, and Artie were up first performing the mega hit song 'Friday'. I decided I would try to forget about Finn, forget about any boy and just try to have fun. I began dancing with Brittany and some of my other friends who were on the cheerios. "Isn't this fun," Brittany grinned as I nodded. "Thanks for including me Britt," I said. "Hey the more the merrier. I'm just sorry things didn't turn out between you and Finn," Brittany frowned. I shrugged "It's not really a surprise. Things haven't exactly been going my way lately," I shrugged. "Hang in there," Brittany said hugging me.

Finn then walked up to me as 'Friday' ended. "May I have this dance," he asked. "I'd be delighted," I smiled a bit as we walked off together as Rachel was onstage to perform 'Jar of Hearts'. As Rachel sang the song I could tell she was singing to Finn. I tried not to let it bother me even though it clearly was bothering me. Seeing Rachel up there singing I couldn't help but look back at her wishing someone would sing like that to me. Part of me almost wished she was singing to me. As the song ended we clapped for her. "Thanks for dancing with me," I said. "Of course," Finn grinned as we walked off together, ready to dance for the next number.

The next number Blaine was up onstage with Brittany and Tina singing 'I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance With You'. Finn and I were having fun but he kept looking over at Rachel and Jesse. During the number Jesse started to kiss Rachel's neck and Finn stormed over. "Hey. Hey," Finn said as he pulled Jesse off of Rachel "Dude, keep it PG." "Dude, it's none of Y.B. - Your Business," Jesse shot back at Finn. "Well, this is my school, so it's my business," Finn argued. "This isn't your girlfriend, so beat it, MJ," Jesse said as he turned around but Finn pushed him "Don't push me." Finn and Jesse started getting into a fight. "WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU!" I exclaimed as Rachel and I both tried to stop Finn and Jesse from fighting.

Coach Sylvester walked out as she got in between Finn and Jesse. "Prom is over for you, Sugar Ray!" she exclaimed to Finn she then turned to Jesse and said"You too, Marvelous Marvin! You're out, let's go," Coach Sylvester dragged them out. "Wait...he's nominate for Prom King..." I began "Sucks for you sister," Coach Sylvester called out as I teared up. "Quinn..." Rachel began. "Leave me alone," I said emotionally running off from her.

Principal Figgins then called for all the nominees to come onstage. I walked out completely nervous. I wanted to be prom queen so bad. "The votes are in. This is the moment you've all been waiting for, where we announce our Junior Prom King and also Prom Queen. Roll the drum, please," Figgins said as the drummer did a drum roll. "This year's Junior Prom King is..." Principal Figgins said as he opened the envelope "David Karofsky!" Principal Figgins said as the crowd cheered. "You suck so bad, Quinn Fabray. I won" Santana beamed as I sighed. It was so likely Santana won especially since she ran with Karofsky.

"And now, your 2011 McKinley High Prom Queen..." Principal Figgins said as he pulled out the name from the envelope. This was it. The moment of truth. Would I be Prom Queen or have to deal with Santana gloating how she won for the rest of the year? "With an overwhelming number of write-in votes is..." Principal Figgins said as I looked confused. Write in votes? How was that allowed? "Kurt Hummel," Principal Figgins said solemnly. My eyes grew wide. Kurt being crowned Queen was such a mean thing to pull on him. Especially since he was the only openly gay kid at McKinley. My heart broke for Kurt. Kurt had been one of the nicest people in the Glee Club to me especially when I was truly down and out. Kurt ran out of the gym as Blaine ran after him. The rest of us walked offstage. I was of course emotional from losing but I knew this was a lot worse for Kurt than for me.

Rachel followed me into the bathroom as I was tearful. "I'm sorry you lost," Rachel frowned a bit. I sighed "Thanks. That's not exactly what I'm upset about," "What do you mean?" Rachel asked. "Sure, I wanted to win prom Queen but I also wanted to have a date," I said. "You had Finn..." Rachel corrected me. "Who's in love with you," I said tearfully "Everyone else had someone there for them. You even had Finn and Jesse fighting over you. I thought I could get it all back but I was wrong." "Quinn, can I tell you something?" Rachel asked. "Shoot," I shrugged wiping my eyes. "I've always adored you and wanted to be like you. You were always so beautiful, popular, you were dating the guy I was in love with..." Rachel began. "And now we've switched," I said emotionally. "You're a very pretty girl Quinn, prettiest girl I've ever known. All I wanted in my high school career was to be accepted by you," Rachel told me seriously "The fact that you're no longer calling me 'that thing' and have been talking to me is just such an achievement."

I sighed "Thanks." "You're welcome," Rachel said as I took a deep breath. "I know you think it's hard to be you, Rachel. At least you don't have to be terrified all the time," I said emotionally "What are you so scared of?" Rachel asked. "The future. When all this is gone," I said wiping my eyes. "Look, you have nothing to be scared of," Rachel assured me. "How can you be so sure?" I asked her. "You're Quinn Fabray. You're one of the most determined people I've ever met. Last year was tough on you. Even though we weren't close I could see that but you took all that pain from last year and channeled it into something great. When you were back on the cheerios you didn't just go back to your old ways. You made the school a better place," Rachel told me seriously.

I couldn't help but be grateful to hear Rachel say these things. There was always something about Rachel telling me I was good enough that made me feel incredible. "Rachel..." I began as she turned around. "Yes Quinn?" she said. There was so much I wanted to do when she looked at me. I couldn't help but want to kiss her. It all made sense now. My jealousy over her and Finn. Why I was always so competitive against Rachel. Could it be because I might actually love her? I pushed those feelings aside as I just simply said "I'm glad we're friends." Rachel smiled back at me as we then walked back into the gym for the prom.

When we arrived back Kurt had bravely come onstage to put the crown on and simply said into the microphone "Eat your heart out Kate Middleton." I couldn't help but admire Kurt's bravery wishing that one day I could be strong enough to be as brave as he was. It was time for Prom King and Queen's first dance which was set to 'Dancing Queen' which was performed by Santana and Mercedes. Karofsky quickly took off but Blaine stepped in as he and Kurt danced. They soon allowed all of us to dance. I couldn't help but smile. My junior prom had gone so much differently than expected but I had loved every minute of it.

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