Chapter 41 - Insecurities

Start from the beginning

"Whoa, guys. I'm really shocked at what I'm hearing here. It goes against everything the glee club stands for. I'm telling you, the thing you would most like to change about yourself is the most interesting part of you," Mr. Schue said to all of us. "Well, maybe, but at this school, the thing that makes you different is the thing people use to crush your spirit," Mercedes said as Mr. Schue couldn't help but look at all of us worriedly as Rachel took her seat.

Rachel stopped me on the way out of Glee Club. "Quinn...can I talk to you?" she asked. "Sure," I said as I walked with Rachel down the hall as she sighed. "Look, I know this is weird of me to ask of you but I was wondering if you'd accompany me to the doctor's office for some photos so I could see what I would look like if I got your nose," Rachel said. "You're serious about getting this nose job?" I said shocked. "Of course I am. Quinn, we all know every guy stops and stares at you because you are the prettiest girl here. For once in my life I want to feel like a pretty girl. I want to look like you," Rachel sighed as I look shocked. Did Rachel really think that much of me? As much as I didn't want to help her do something that could harm her the feeling that she idolized me made me feel so special. "I'll do it," I smiled as Rachel giggled as she hugged me tight. I hugged her too looking incredibly unsure about my decision but if it would help Rachel I couldn't see the harm in it right?

The next day at Glee Club Mr. Schue was writing the word 'Acceptance' on the board as Finn raised his hand. "Um, why is Ms. Pillsbury here?" he asked. "She's helping us out with this week's assignment," Mr. Schue smiled as he turned around "Now, this is the only club at school that is represented by just about every race, religion, sexual orientation and clique, but many of you are still having a hard time with acceptance." "That's crazy, Mr. Shue. We love each other," Mercedes said shaking her head. "No, I won't deny that you accept each other, but you don't accept yourselves. This week's assignment has two parts. I want all of you to sing songs about accepting yourself for who you are– The best and the worst parts," Mr. Schue said. "What's the second part?" Rachel asked. "Well, we're going to do a group number by the queen of self-love–Gaga," Mr. Schue said as we cheered at the fact that we were going to perform a Gaga number "We're going to perform her anthem to acceptance– "Born This Way."."

"Wait, wait, I still don't know why Ms. Pillsbury is here," Finn said. "I'm here to help you with your costumes for the big number. Each of you will be issued a beautifully fitted white T-shirt. We will then use this letter write a word or a phrase that best describes the thing about you that you're the most ashamed of or you'd like to change but you can't because you were born that way, which is super terrific," Miss Pillsbury smiled. "I want you to love those parts of you, you know, embrace them, wear them on your chest with pride," Mr. Schue said. "Can you give an example?" Mike asked. "Yeah," Mr. Schue said.

Miss Pillsbury took a deep breath as she opened her sweater to reveal her shirt says GINGER. "Wow, Emma, I thought the whole purpose of you doing this was to write..." Mr. Schue began as Miss Pillsbury cut him off. "Being a ginger has plagued me my entire life. People say that I smell like copper, I can get a sunburn indoors at night, and according to recent legend, I have no soul, but I'm here to say that this very curse is what makes me unique. Children, I claim my ginger hood before you today. I was born this way. Hooray. Hooray! Hooray!" Miss Pillsbury grinned as the bell rang and we headed out for the day.

That afternoon Rachel and I went to the doctor's office together for the photos. "Thanks for doing this," Rachel sighed as I smiled at her. "Of course. Anything to help a friend," I said simply as Rachel sighed. "Since we're friends can I ask you something?" Rachel asked. "Sure," I shrugged as Rachel took a deep breath. "Why are you running with Finn for Prom court? I thought that was something the old you would want," Rachel said as I sighed "Rachel, you know how Puck and I were together right?" I asked as Rachel nodded. "Well he's running for Prom court with Lauren Zizes. I asked Finn to help me out by being my running mate so we had a good chance to beat them," I told her seriously as Rachel seemed relieved. "So you're not in love with Finn?" she asked. "No. God no. Finn's like a brother to me," I said shaking my head. "Then why were you so against our relationship?" Rachel asked me. I couldn't help but think about it. Why was I so against her getting back together with Finn? I obviously had no feelings for Finn anymore and that was when it hit me....did I have feelings for Rachel?

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