Jimin peeked over at Jongdae who was smiling happily.Behind the said male,stood a young male about Jimin's age (and same height,surprisingly)with a penguin onesie on.He had black hair and big brown eyes which in Jimin's opinion,made him look like a scared owl,but nonetheless the boy was beautiful.

Jimin looked back up at Jongin,who only nodded telling him to proceed and talk to the boy.Jimin grabbed Jungkook's larger hand in his and took small timid steps towards the boy.The boy just hid more into Jongdae's back.When they were finally infront of the male, Jimin looked up at Jongdae who was smiling at him .

"C-can Kookie and chim play with him..?"

"Of course!"

Jongdae and Jongin walked far enough to let them talk but could still keep an eye on them.Jimin waved shyly before he spoke up.

"I'm Jiminnie and this my fwiend kookie...you want to pway with us..?"

The boy only nodded which put a big smile on Jimin's beautiful face.Jimin extended his hand for the boy to take ,which he did.Jimin asked his uncle Jongin if he could play in the toy room,which he of course agreed to.


The boys were sat on Sehun's coloring table waiting for Jimin to pick coloring books that he thought were "pretty enough" to color in.when Jimin finally decided on the books,he went to sit at the small table.He dumped all the crayons on the table and let the boy and Jungkook pick a book first.

When they were settled down and already coloring,Jimin decided to talk.

"What is you name?"

The boy looked up at Jimin and pointed at himself as if asking if Jimin was talking to him. Jimin giggled and nodded.


The boy whispered very lowly but Jimin still heard it.Jungkook then built up some confidence and started to speak too.They asked each other questions and told each other jokes and giggled the little hearts out.

In the end the three beautiful boys already had even more nicknames for each other and became amazingly good friends .

The party was ending and everyone was about to go but Halloween isn't Halloween without candy right?

All the little's played games and did other things to win candy but still got candy bags at the end.All the caregivers were sure to have trouble keeping their babies under control with all the sugar Sehun had just gave them.

Sehun said bye to all his friends while Jimin and Jungkook said bye to Kyungsoo who hugged and pecked each of their cheeks before skipping off to his daddy's car.


Jimin had gotten over Sehun leaving them to play with other people.They were all pretty happy with how their day turned out and all the candy they got.They decided that they wanted to trade candy so they ran upstairs to the toy room and plopped down on the floor in a small circle.

They all dumped their candy on the floor,making sure it wasn't too close to be able to mix. Sehun went first because he came up with the idea.

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