His Electric Feel Part 26

Start from the beginning

I could almost picture the anger that Van must have been showing then. He was only telling me about it and he was still shaking. To calm him down, I scooted over to him and pulled his arm over my shoulders so I was tucked under it. His shaking stopped at the feel of our bodies coming together. I was becoming more accustomed to that wonderful electric feel, but it would never cease to amaze me. With me under his arm giving him silent encouragement, Van continued.

"Trace took the keys out of the motorcycle, and I swear to you, if it had been anyone else, I probably would have killed them right then and there. I remember being so mad and upset, but mainly scared that you were being tortured by the Shards and I couldn't do a single thing about it. I tried to persuade him into giving me the keys back but he wouldn't budge, so I tried to hit him," I couldn't hold back my gasp at the thought of Van hurting my father.

"Don't worry; I wasn't even able to lay a finger on him. He just tolerated me until I was too tired to keep going. It must have gone on for only a few minutes, but it felt like hours. I would throw a bunch of punches that your dad would block with flames. My hands were totally blistered and raw when I couldn't do it anymore."

I winced under his arm at the gruesome image he described. Taking one of his monstrous hands in mine, I lightly brushed my lips over it before wrapping my hands around it. I didn't like the idea of my father hurting Van. I didn't like the idea of anyone hurting Van. Maybe I imagined it, but I was pretty sure he sidled up closer to me before he started talking again.

"Your dad walked over to the Camaro and without saying a word to me, got in. Me, being me, and him, being him, followed and got in the car too. He started to drive and I thought he was going to take me to you because he seemed so normal, like his wife hadn't just died, or his daughter wasn't missing, or the accident hadn't even happened. I decided it would be better off for me to trust Trace than to try and fight him again. I knew something was up when we reached Chubb's. Your dad got us food and took us to this exact spot. He parked in this exact spot and tried to eat the exact same meal we did. I uh...I took his bag of food and threw it out the window before getting out of the car and stomping on it. That kind of pissed him off and got the reaction I had been looking for."

"He loves his Chubb's," I murmured against Van's side. I didn't like this story.

"Yeah he does. Well anyway, he stepped out of the car too and started to yell. He was yelling at me, the Shards, God, anybody he could think of, he yelled about. He yelled Torah and Vera over and over again. They were the most pain filled noise I have ever heard another being make. Then the flames came. At first, it was just at random points, but then he started directing them at me. He was looking for a fight-"

"And he knew you were the only one that would fight him back," I finished for him. Lifting my head, I looked into Van's eyes. Sadness glimmered through the bright shine they always had as he brought his hand to cup my face. I felt his thumb stroke my check. That's when I realized I was crying. Leaning into his strong hand, I shut my eyes and focused on the feel of Van and the sound of his voice.

"For an old man, your dad was an amazing Elemental. He is the only person I have ever unleashed my full powers around and it still wasn't enough to stop him. Trace kicked my ass, but I gave him a run for his money," a small smile formed on Van's face as he spoke about my father, "When we were both too exhausted to throw another bolt or flame, we got back in the car. Not wanting to waste any time, I told Trace we needed to go look for you. He just shook his head. I knew that he would only stop looking if he knew where you were. So I asked where you were, and he told me you had left. He said he had seen you leave and for what was going on then, it was what you had needed. Immediately, I tried to get the keys to go after you. I tried to talk him into going after you. I tried to trick him into finding you. When none of that worked, I got out of the car and started running." In disbelief, I opened my eyes and looked into his. They were filled with determination.

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