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A/N: Hey guys it's Nate!!! The cover contest winner's name is _TheChase17x, I changed it but I'm not sure if it's public yet so yeah. Also I decided I'm gonna start another story so watch out for that. 6875 reads... 6875. 6875!!!!! I Wow guys thank you so much for all the comments and votes and everything. I love you all. Also I changed my username from my real name to SmaugTheDestroyer if there was any confusion, sorry about that. But this is it! The chappy you've all been waiting for! Clintasha's wedding!

Clint and the Pope stood at the front of the chapel. Steve stood on Clint's right and the bridesmaids on the Pope's left. The Maid of Honor-Hazel was behind the Chapel's doors with Natasha. The other guys sat with the disembodied head of Walt Disney.

Leo: That's one creepy head bro.

Nico: I thik I'll keep it.

Percy: Okay why is it glowing?

Nico: It's displeased with you

Other guys: ..........

Bruce: Hey Tony, you should build a suit for it.

Tony: So the frozen head can stick up out of a billion dollar suit? No thanks...

Nico: It's glowing........

Frank: So your name is Frank too?

Frank the Rhino: Yeah I style Thor's hair

Frank: Well nice to meet you...

Leo: I can't wait for the party after this!!

Jason: Shhh it's starting


Natasha took a deep breath and began to walk down the aisle. Hazel lifted the dress behind her and Natasha wished, for not the first time, that her mother could have been there. She saw Clint at the end of the aisle sweating through his suit. She prayed Jason had remembered the rings when she saw him sitting on the edge of the pew. Finally she arrived at the front and stood in between her bridesmaids and the Pope. The Pope began saying a bunch of stuff that Natasha ignored as she focused on Clint.

Jason hurried up carrying the rings, he gave one to Natasha and one to Clint. They slipped them on eachothers' fingers in sync.

"I believe you have prepared vows for eachother." said the Pope joyfully.

Clint shuffled around in his tuxedo pocket and pulled out a few index cards. "Natasha, when I first layed my eyes on you on our first day of SHIELD training you threatened to cut my eyes out. I knew we had something special from that moment on and took every chance I could to spend time with you. You were the center of my life and have been since. I love you more than anything Natasha. I love you more than my Hunger Games merchandise collection. I love you more than bird watching. I love you even more than my bow."

Natasha could hear some gasps at the last bit. She looked at the croud than pulled an index card out of her boot. "Clint, I believe that Bose has brought us together for a reason. So that we can finally love someone who we don't have to kill. It's a new feeling for me and I like it, in fact I love it. As much as I love you Clint."

After that Natasha saw the Pope grin and ask Clin\ about taking her for ice cream or something. When his response was "I do." she realized what was going on and she should be paying more attention top her own wedding. The Pope turned to her.

"Do you Natasha take Clint as your lawfully wedded husband and blahblahblah till death do you part?"

Natasha swallowed. "I do."

The Pope smiled. "You may kiss the bride."

And Clint pulled her into his arms and they kissed.

There was a loud cheering and she heard Tony yell "CLINTASHA FIVE EVA!!!!"

Then there was some crashing and yelling after that but none of it mattered as Clint let her go. They were married. Thor jumped out of his pew. "LET'S GO PARTY ASGARD STYLE!!!!!!!!!"

Thor had really outdone himself. The disco level of the Demivengers' tower was suited with balloons and, when Linkin Park was taking a break, dancable music blasting from the speakers. Frank the Rhino was managing a non-alcoholic bar-much to Tony's dissapointment. The couples (including the married one) were dancing on the dance floor and Nico stood off to the side with Bruce, Tony and Steve admiring Thor's dance moves.

"So" Tony said turning towards Nico "Is that her?' He pointed off towards the punch bowl next to the wedding cake.

"Is that wh-" Nico's voice cracked as he saw where Tony was pointing. Thalia stood off to the side wearing one of the red velvet bridesmaids dresses, her black hair hanging over her shoulders, blue bangs covering her eyes. She looked gorgeous.

"Oh" he answered to Tony. "What about her?"

Bruce grinned. "C' mon bro we know how you feel about her."

Steve excused himself and left the conversation but Bruce and Tony barely heard him. "Go talk to her man," Tony said grinning. "You look great."

After a few moments of rare uplifting comments from Tony, he and Bruce pushed Nico out in the direction of Thalia. He prayed silently to his father and walked over to her, through the crowd of dancing people.

Thalia saw Nico walking over to her in his creased black suit and sharp red tie. He looked handsome and he even appeared to have put some gel in his hair. She turned away from him and glanced at herself in the punch bowl to make sure she looked okay.

Nico: I uh I heard you quit the Hunters.
Thalia: Is that how you greet a lady?
Nico: No, It's not, I mean I'm sorry. I just thought it was important to you.
Thalia: It was... I'm looking for a new job now... Maybe a DJ or something.
Nico: A DJ? At your-our age? You really want a job where you can't use your demigod powers?
Thalia: Can you think of a job where I can?
Nico: Well... uh... I guess you... might be- might be able to-
Thalia: Are you for real? Thanks so much Director Fury and Nico!! *hugs Nico*
Thalia: What was that last bit?
Nico: I didn't hear but -uh- would you maybe like to go dance? You know as a celebration...
Thalia: You mean like you?
Nico: Ummmm yeah?
Thalia: Sure! I think Linkin Park's about to play Lost In The Echo, I think if we try hard enough we can slow dance to it!
Nico: Well we should try then!!

Huzzah readers! This was one of my favorite chapters so far! Thalico is here and Thalia is in the Demivengers!! Our 30th chapter and here's to many more!! *raises glass of sparkling white grape juice*

The Demivengers: Percy Jackson Meets The AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now