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A/N: Yo homeboys, I've set aside some plot for you here. My computer still has this nasty "optimizer pro" virus so another mobile update. Anyway we're almost to chappie 20!!! Here's 19!

His potion was almost finished. After the event in New York he was ready to get revenge. The potion would create an easy ally.Another ally could be found easily in the Underworld. If all went according to plan his attack would be ready in a week.
Percy was 100% done. He had been pranked 9 times in 2 weeks by Nico, Jason and Frank. He decided to get advice from the master. Leo was sitting at the Demivengers couch in the common room with one arm around Calypso who was rolling her eyes at him. "We'll you came to the right guy" Leo responded to Percy's pleas. "Here's the plan."
Jason, Frank and Nico were setting up Percy's next prank when it happened. It was a complex prank, a few frogs in his pants that would react to the food in his pillowcase. Frank was keeping watch and Jason and Nico were putting it together. Jason heard a thud from behind him and he and Nico spun around quickly. Frank was gone from the doorway. "HELP!!" he shouted from above. As they slowly walked into the hallway Nico pointed up and saw Frank tied to a bunch of balloons, pinning him to the high ceiling. But the worst part was the dress Frank was in, and the makeup on his face. Jason wasn't sure who could do all that that fast but he didn't want to take his chances. Nico and Jason darted down the hallway.

It wasn't long before the air mattress dropped from the ceiling, flattening Nico. By the time Jason turned his head Nico was already in a dress.

Jason ran faster than before until the floor dropped under him. A trapdoor let him drop 2 floors before landing in the Demivengers pool. When he landed Jason realized the dress he had been put into on the way down.

"And that's how you prank someone!"
Leo was standing by the side of the pool with a video camera and Percy in tears from laughter next to him.

"OMG FRANK THOUGH!" Percy shouted out of breath.
Leo grinned.
"You guys have magic and superhero items at your disposal and you put frogs into his pants? Hazel and Piper will be happy to see this video.

The Demivengers: Percy Jackson Meets The AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now