Chapter 32 - A Win and A Loss

Start from the beginning

The next week was the week before Christmas. I was looking forward to spending Christmas back at home with my mom this year. Last year I had truly missed out on the Christmas festivities, especially since I was living with the Puckermans who were dedicated Jews celebrating Hanukkah. I was looking forward to going to Christmas mass to see all the familiar faces who would be welcoming me back into the church. I was also looking forward to singing the Christmas hymns during the mass as I had done from the time I was a little girl. My parents had always been involved with the church so it wasn't too much of a surprise when I had become the church's star performer.

I entered the choir room to see most of the others in the Glee Club setting up a Christmas tree for this year. "What's all this?" I smiled a bit. "That guy who lived next door to me finally killed off his elderly mother. When they carted him off they left the doors wide open," Santana said with a shrug. "So you took his tree and decorations?" I asked baffled. "What? It's not like he was going to use them anyway from jail," Santana shrugged. "I know.." I said. "God Fabray you are too much of a goody goody," Santana laughed a bit as I rolled my eyes. "I just don't want someone taking the tree away," I defended. "Sure...that's what you're worried about," Santana smirked. "Just ignore her babe," Sam told me seriously. I knew he was right. I couldn't just let Santana get to me.

"Guys I found the perfect Christmas song we should do," Brittany beamed as she handed out the sheet music. "Britt how did you get the sheet music," I asked amused looking at the song 'The Most Wonderful Day of the Year' from Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. "Artie helped me," Brittany shrugged. That I believed. "Let's sing it while we decorate," Brittany beamed as we all nodded as we began to sing 'The Most Wonderful Day of the Year'.

"We're on the island of misfit toys here we don't wanna stay," Tina, Brittany, Santana, Rachel, Lauren, Mercedes, and I sang as the boys sang the next part as we then joined them. "In his magic sleigh," we all sang as Artie then took the lead. "When Christmas Day is here the most wonderful day of the year," we harmonized as Sam then took the lead. "Wake up! Don't you know that it's time to come out," I sang as I carried a present smiling. "When Christmas Day is here the most wonderful day of the year. Toys galore scattered on the floor, there's no room for more and it's all because of Santa Claus," we all sang. "A scooter for Jimmy," Sam sang as we wrapped a present together. "A dolly for Sue," I sang. "The kind that will even say," Sam sang. "How do you do?" Brittany said. "When Christmas Day is here the most wonderful day of the year," we all sang. "Or a water pistol that shoots..... Jelly?" I said as Sam and I walked by. "We're all Misfits!" We yelled excitedly. "If we're on the island of unwanted toys. We'll miss all the fun with the girls and the boys. When Christmas Day is here the most wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful day of the year," we sang as we all smiled at each other grateful to have each other this year.

Mr. Schue then entered the choir room asking what was going on. We told him about the tree, the decorations, and of course the presents we were wrapping. "Guys, I appreciate the effort, but this isn't what Christmas is supposed to be like," Mr. Schue said shaking his head. "For us it is. This tree is like a mascot for Glee Club. We won sectionals two years in a row and according to everyone at this school, we still suck," Mercedes said shaking her head as she told us about her, Tina, and Mike getting slushied. "I'm pretty sure they just added food coloring to real slush from the parking lot," Mike said upset. "You can eat that, you know," Lauren added as we all gave her a look.

"No. I am not gonna let you guys throw yourselves a pity party. Look, I'm the first one to say that things haven't turned out exactly how I would have liked them to this year. But Christmas is all about being grateful for the things that did," Mr. Schue said. "I thought that was Thanksgiving," Puck said confused. "And this year Glee Club is gonna lend a hand to the McKinney-Vento Homeless Children and Youth Program right here in Lima," Mr. Schue grinned. "How are we gonna do that?" Rachel asked. The only way we know singing about it," Mr. Schue said as we all looked nervously at him "We're gonna go classroom to classroom, caroling, to raise money for McKinney-Vento." "Wait. Classrooms in this school with students in them?" Tina asked upset. "Well, if there are no students in them there will be no one to put money in the collection box while we sing," Mr. Schue said. "We're gonna be killed," I said looking up. I knew exactly how this was going to go down. If we went from classroom to classroom singing we'd become even more of a joke than we were before.

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