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“Love is the extremely difficult realization that something other than oneself is real.” 


(Meghan's POV.)

As unbelievable as this sounds, only two things were crossing my mind as I made it down Whitney's black and white stairs: "Thank God" and "Holy shit". 

Thank God, because I got to watch Luke pass by the three of us, and not glance back as he shoved the front door open and scurried down the porch steps to his car. 

Holy shit, well because, holy shit. So much unfolded in a mere 45 minutes I couldn't even process what song was blaring through the speakers right now. My head was swimming and my body had grown considerably weak since that very first shot. I bit back a few tears, realizing that it wasn't worth it. Luke was gone and out of our sight. Even though what he said to Joey, Whitney and I will stay with me forever (unless I wake up and forget most of this night, which probably won't happen because I'm pretty alert right now). The one thing he said to Joey concerning myself made feel sick to my stomach.

Because I want her just as much as you do. 

What really bothered me about that wasn't the fact that someone as inconsiderate and vile as Luke Conard said it about me, but the fact that I knew straight up that it was a lie. He was full of tricks and lies to get what he wanted. He didn't mean it how Joey probably thought he meant it. The final thought popped into my head and it genuinely made me feel queasy. 

He didn't want me for me, he wanted me for sex.

I shook the thought from my head, and focused on darting my eyes around the room. Almost everyone had moved outside, I looked through the glass back door to see everyone sitting around the blazing fire, still drinking like their lives depended on it. 

"So." Whitney broke the silence that was set down between us. 

"What do we do now?" Joey raised his eyebrows at both of us. 

"I don't know about you, but I feel like shit." I laughed, holding my side to try and ease a sudden cramp that was forming. I was trying to lighten the mood, but I think we all knew it was still as heavy as a grand piano.

"Do you want me to take you home?" He offered, looking at me with softened eyes. 

"No, oh God no. Not like this. David will flip out." I groaned, shooting a hand up to my head. 

"He shouldn't. He should know better, he shouldn't be allowed to boss you around, Meghan." Whitney spoke up. The previous events from earlier today flooded back to my mind, literally giving me shivers. I never did get to ask her if she knew anything about the way he's been acting, or the bruises, or just anything about him in general. I decided now would not be the night. Not after what had happened already. 

"Wait, crap, what day is it again?" Whitney peered up at the ceiling, trying to think. I saw Joey pull out his phone and press the home button. 

"Friday, why?" He asked.

Her already large, bright green eyes were wider than before once she brought them back down to look at us. 

"I completely forgot. I work tomorrow. At 6 in the morning. I need to get these people out of my house." She slapped her hand against her forehead, her wrist full of silver bracelets jingling as she did so. 

As if God had heard our conversation, and Whitney's rhetorical plea for help, a loud crackle of thunder sounded throughout the house. All of our eyes flickered to the backyard. The sky was dark and completely covered by storm clouds. I could have used one of my hands to count how many seconds it took for the rain to completely kill the fire and bring everyone inside. They were all squealing and laughing and stumbling to open the sliding door. Once they were all inside Whitney cleared her throat. 

a daydream away // moey fanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang