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"Time is what we want most, but what we use worst."


(Meghan's POV.)

I was shuffling down the hallway, my tears blurring my vision. I needed to go home, I needed to sleep until my eyes refused to stay closed. I needed to get out of here. 

What the fuck just happened? My head was pounding with every emotion you could think of. Even though I was only talking to him for no more than half an hour, the conversation took turns that were more violent than I thought possible.

At first, I was pissed. I still am pissed, even more pissed now. Then I had to second guess myself because when he said he loved me my heart stopped. I don't know what it was. I hear those words everywhere, sometimes they aren't even directed at me, but the fact that they came from him made me feel something I didn't know existed. I didn't want to believe him, I assumed it was still part of this sick bet. I was just so in denial and I didn't want to process anything coming from his lips.

However, when I felt his heartbeat...

I had to actually consider the feelings Joey had said he had for me. Maybe it was true? I still wasn't sure. Anyone's heart can beat when you get worked up, but maybe his was pumping with love, not anger. That's when I realized mine was doing the same. It felt like it was going to leap out of my throat at any given second, and when his hand touched my chest I could feel my body becoming weak. I was losing control over what I wanted to feel and what I was feeling.

The tears started to spill faster. I didn't want this. It soon came to my mind that this "feeling" was, unfortunately, love. 

Why this was unfortunate? Easy. We would never be together. We were emotionally incompatible, every little thing set each of us off. A relationship between us could not and would not last and that hurt a lot for some reason. We uncovered things we didn't even know about each other or about the party. I didn't know Joey's full side of the story, and Joey didn't know mine. 

I was sitting now, on a bench in front of a bunch of shops. I was still incredibly fatigued, but I needed time outside the comfort of my own bed to think about things extremely seriously. The rain was slashing down onto the ground, and all over me, but I could have cared less. I pulled my sopping wet hair behind me, into my hood, and pulled it up over my head.

I crossed my legs and started to think about whether or not, and how I would, tell Joey about everything that happened. It hurt me so much to lie to his face, but I couldn't bring myself to explain. The cries were threatening to escape and I just wanted out of it. I was extremely glad David had came to the door or Joey would probably have lost his mind.  

I decided after what seemed like an hour that the rain was getting to be too much and I was receiving concerned stares, so I called David and he picked up after the first ring. He agreed to pick me up, but his voice seemed so frantic and bossy, and a little bit scared. What had happened? The thought of Joey and David getting in a physical fight took the knot in my stomach and tied it a second time. I couldn't imagine Davids hands on Joey and vice versa. 

This whole thing has caused everyone to hate each other. I wouldn't even consider it a "thing" anymore. It was almost like a turning point. It has affected me so badly that my mindset has shifted, more than I felt was comfortable. It has also caused me to hate myself even more than I already had. Joey was there to help me when I was feeling like this, but now he's part of the reason. Another reason why we could never be together. It stung, it really did. 

Minutes later David's car sped up to where I was sitting. The passenger door flung open and his head poked out of the vacant space.

"Get in." He ordered, I could barely hear him over the rain but his tone made me spring out of my seat and situate myself in the car very quickly. 

a daydream away // moey fanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin