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"It's crazy, really. When you think you've finally hit the bottom and something comes by to try and sweep you off your feet." 


(Joey's POV.) 

I jumped out of view, behind the curtains, my hand still gripping the hanging fabric. I let go and spun around, darting for the bathroom. She was coming into the apartment. I swiftly wiped the tears off my cheeks and stepped into the small space. My reflection was horrendous. I splashed a few handfuls of water on my cheeks and forehead and quickly padded myself dry. It helped somewhat, but you could still tell I was crying. Fuck. I didn't want her to see me so weak, but there was no way in hell I was going to let this opportunity slip. I needed to see her. 

I entered the living room and could hear her foot steps outside the door. Without thinking, my body jolted forward and I swung the door open. My extended arm fell limp when I saw her. So many emotions flooded my system, almost as if they were replacing my blood. 

Her swollen eyes raised up to meet mine, they seemed to go on forever. Her cheeks and nose tinted a bright red, accentuating the colour of her pink lips that were pulled into her mouth by her teeth. Her bangs clung to her forehead, and the rest of her hair followed, cascading down her cheeks. Her mascara was smudged under her eyes, acting as a colour enhancer. She was so beautiful. 

Memories were forcefully flooding back in my mind, back to that night in the rain, the situation was almost identical, except we were both soaked that night. 

"I have to talk to you." She breathed, her voice floating through the tense air. It felt so nice, it warmed my heart to hear her voice again. I thought I was never going to hear it again, let alone see her use it, to me especially.

"Yeah." I opened the door farther, acting as a signal for her to enter. She stepped inside, her boots squeaking on the wood. She slipped them off along with her rain jacket, exposing a loose purple T-shirt. Her scent had already filled the room, I wish it were possible for it to linger here forever. 

She pushed her bangs to the side, I noticed that her hands were shaking like crazy. 

"Are you cold?" I asked.

"No," she paused, looking at her hands, "well, maybe a little." she rubbed them together briefly. 

"What did you need to talk about?" I urged. This was so awkward, and the fact that this was probably something horrible was adding endless nerves into the situation.

"You." My throat went dry. That could mean over a hundred things, good, or most likely, bad.

"And how much of an asshole you are." 


It hit me so hard I had to hunch over slightly because it felt like a literal blow to the stomach. 

"What?" My voice was so weak, so lost in the sound of blood that was pulsing through my head. 

"You know why." She snapped. I could feel the tears prick my eyes, and by the looks of it, she was on the verge of tears as well. I stumbled back, my body thumping against the wall. Her arms were crossed against her stomach, and she was gripping the skin of her forearms with extreme force. She was chewing on her lip as she tried to avoid eye contact. 

"Meghan, listen," I started, I didn't even know what I was starting to be quite honest. 

"You have got some explaining to do." She breathed. 

"Anything, I'll explain anything." The disparity in my voice was obnoxiously prominent, but it was one hundred percent true. 

"Explain to me what I did to make you think you could use me for sex." She said slowly. My blood began to sizzle. David, that fucking...

I rammed my hand into the wall, hearing the plaster crack from underneath. When I unclenched my fist, not even a dent was formed. At least I wouldn't have to pay for anything.

"You can't believe what David said! You have to believe me on this one!" I pleaded. I felt like collapsing on my knees, hoping to crash through the floor, through the ground and fall a great height. 


"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" I shouted. The room fell silent. I don't even recall hearing either of our heartbeats. I stepped forward. My throat stung almost as badly as my eyes, which were now releasing tears freely. My lip quivered as I let out a soft cry. 

"No. You can't. You don't." Her back turned to me. 

"YES I CAN! I ALREADY DO!" Unlike Meghan, my voice had not yet lowered. I was an explosion of emotion and I couldn't contain myself, or my volume. 

"IS THIS STILL PART OF YOUR STUPID BET?" She spun around, her face had hardened and dropped into a scowl. 

I froze. 

"What? What bet?" My voice had lowered to just below a whisper. My stomach twisted with anxiety, I could feel the nerves swirling around with it. I felt like I was going to be sick. What bet could she possibly be talking about?

"Don't play stupid. The night you kissed me." Her eyes were like daggers, piercing through the tears that glazed them over. 

"I was drunk! I don't remember anything!" I defended.

"That's exactly what Cat said." She shook her head, and spun around to leave. I shoved myself off the wall and began striding towards her.

"What does Cat have to do with this?" I choked. What the actual fuck was going on?

"You guys made a bet to see if you could get me to sleep with you." Each word was like a piece of my heart, crumbling, floating down to the pit of my stomach. I felt my blood run thin, the skin all over my body was laced with woe. 

"Cat did this?" I couldn't think straight. I wouldn't think straight. I didn't want to think straight, or think at all. I wanted someone to hit me over the head, so I could let unconsciousness overtake my body. I could wake up and not even remember my own name. I would be able to start my thoughts all over again.

"You did this." She waved her arms around, motioning towards the space between her and I. I know that she not only meant the physical space, but the emotional space. I wish the word 'space' hadn't even existed. 

"Meghan, you have to hear me out," I stumbled forward, I felt like I was tripping on my tears. 

"Save it for the next girl you bet you can fuck." My heart was pounding in my throat. I was so dazed I almost missed my opportunity to stop her. I reached out and grabbed her wrist, I pulled her closer. 

I waited for our eyes to meet, but hers were glued to the floor. I put my index finger under her chin and pushed it up to face me. She squeezed her eyes shut and more tears spilled out. 

"Please. Just listen to me for a second." I whispered ever so softly. I was focused only on her eyes.


(Meghan's POV.) 

His hand was wrapped around my wrist. 

"Please. Just listen to me for a second." He whispered, his voice sounded so fragile I felt like I could physically grab it out of the air and it would shatter. 

I opened my eyes to meet with his blurred silhouette through my tears. I wiped them away with my free hand and stared back down at the floor, letting out a slow breath. His hand tightened around mine as he brought it up and placed it against his chest. His flesh was hot and sweaty, but the first thing I felt was the pounding flutter of his heartbeat. It was racing dangerously fast. 

"That's how it's been every second that you've been gone." He said, his eyes flickering from one of my eyes to the other. 

I reached up with a shaky hand to uncoil his hand from my wrist. His face dropped for a second, before I raised his hand to my chest. 

"I'm not sure how to feel about it but mine is doing the same." I exhaled before letting go of his hand. I watched as it slumped down beside his thigh. 

"I have something to ask you." Joey spoke up after a long period of silence.

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