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"Whatever is going to happen will happen, whether we worry and stress or not.”


(Meghan's POV.)

I held my phone at my side, letting the call display illuminate my leg until the screen went black. With a trembling hand I slipped in back in my pocket. I wish I could slip the feelings I had at that moment into my pocket with it.

The wind cut through the air, whipping my hair in all directions. I let out a breath, feeling the ache in my chest. It had gotten to point where I was so trapped, so tightly sealed under a blanket of guilt and regret that I was suffocating. 

Mark's hand touched my shoulder and I flinched. I couldn't stand it. Just a second ago his lips were making contact with mine. The memories still fresh on the surface of my mind. The fact that I thought of Joey, even when it wasn't Joey kissing me, it made me feel this overwhelming sense of frustration. No matter what the situation was, I could never push him away. Well, I obviously have pushed him away, but hypothetically speaking I couldn't. 

"Meghan," His voice traveled through the air. 

"Mark," I started, but after a second I just let the silence take over as I had nothing to say to him.

It hurt a lot to leave him hanging like this, giving him the absolute wrong signs, kissing him, telling him that I would like to spend more time with him, and so on.

I thought, at the time, that talking to him more and hanging out with him more would help me forget about Joey. I thought that Mark could help me replace this hole I had inside, but it only made it bigger. I could tell by the way that he looked at that waitress that he wasn't fully attached to me, and I don't blame him. When he looked at me, it felt like his eyes were just going straight through this growing hole I was making in myself.

I just didn't want him to be hurt by someone he doesn't even deserve. 

So that's exactly what I said to him. His reply caught me off guard. 

"I'm not hurt, but I know you are. There is someone else, I know that for a fact, and you're using me as a rebound, I get it. I've been in your exact position. I'm not mad at all, but I'm still going to stay hopeful." His lips split to show off a small grin.

"Maybe one day we'll be able to see each other again, you know, catch up on things. Maybe one day. For now, this is a Goodbye, Meghan." With that, he pecked my cheek with his lips swiftly before spinning on his heel and walking back up the street towards the coffee shop. 

Part of me thanked myself for doing what I did, but the other part of me hated myself for it. He seemed really nice, and I wish I could have given him the slightest of chances. Now I was left with nothing, again. This was just fucking great. I stood there in the middle of the sidewalk as I watched him exit the coffee shop again holding his things, and I watched as he got into his car, and I watched as he left, speeding down the street. 

It wasn't until then that I felt the tears against my cheeks. Right now the tears weren't being shed for Mark, but for Joey.

I was going to tell him the truth. I was going to build up some sort of hidden courage and I was going to spill my side of the story out to him once and for all. Maybe then I wouldn't have to hear either of us say goodbye. 

(Joey's POV.) 

It only took Luke a matter of seconds to recoil from the blow and he now had his hands on my shoulders. He drove me into the wall, causing a large picture frame to clatter onto the ground, the glass crashed down around our feet. I was looking into his eyes as the hazy flashback from the party surfaced in them. The bottle of vodka that I dropped, letting it shatter just like the frame. Letting it shatter just like my heart.

I was remembering something that I had never remembered before. 

"GUYS PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!" Cat shrieked. She bolted up my stairs to where I knew Sawyer would be. This was disgusting. The fact that everyone switched sides so that they were against me so quickly, it made me feel physically ill. 

"Fuck OFF!" I shoved him off of me with full force, so that his ass collided with the ground. His frame jolted as it made contact, making him roll over. I stepped away, my body heaving. His neck twisted around so his crumpled features were facing me. The red trickle of blood from his lip was now smeared across his chin. My head pounded, the way my head hit the wall made me feel a powerful dizziness. 

I blinked a few times and he was up on his feet again. I took his out stretched arm and brought it around his body so his back was against my torso and his left arm was wrapped around to the right side of his body. 

"Don't. Move." I threatened. 

So this is what it comes down to. 


I remember entering the hospital, my eyes darting around frantically as they absorbed the white-painted atmosphere. However, I don't remember falling asleep. 

I woke up to the annoying beeping sound of the machines that stood beside my bed. I felt the immediate pounding in my head before I had a chance to open my eyes, and when I did open them it only made the pounding worse. My eyes opened and the room did not look familiar. A tall green plant sat to the left of me, and the machines and computer equipment were to the right.

I gripped the bar that rose out of my bed and propped myself up, but regretted it instantly as pain shot through my wrist. I looked over to see it was wrapped in a brace. I tube ran up from under the brace and was hooked up the one of machines. I flinched as I twisted my arm. 

I looked around for the buzzer, finding it amongst the many buttons that were on the side of my bed. I pressed it and waited for the nurse. 

It only took a few minutes before a short young women in scrubs slipped the door open quietly and made her way inside. 

"Hello Joey, how are you feeling?" Her blonde pony tail swung back and forth as she walked up to the side of my bed. She pulled a clipboard off the computer desk and jotted down a few things as I explained that I wasn't feeling too bad. 

"Wow, that's a surprise, considering we had to sedate you as soon as you made it here." She chuckled.

"Really? So that's why I don't remember much." I tried to laugh but it came out as a muffled cough. My throat was really dry. I asked the nurse for some water and she nodded her head quickly before exiting the room. 

A few minutes later she returned with a full tray. 

"I thought maybe you would want something to eat as well." She set the tray down on my lap and I thanked her politely. I was feeling a lot more calm, but I knew it was the drugs that were keeping me sane. I probably came in looking like a mess. I didn't even know the full severity of my injuries, so I asked her what actually happened to me. 

"Well, from what your friend Cat said, you fell directly on your wrist, which is why we had to brace that up for you, you had mild damage to the back of your skull, and a few bruises along and around your ribs." She said, reading off of her clipboard. 

"How is the other guy?" I avoided saying his name. 

"I personally did not have him as a patient but I can check with the other doctor if you want?" She suggested. I declined the offer, my curiosity wasn't as strong as it normally would have been. I was so tired, the fatigue was threatening to pull my eyelids shut. 

"I guess I'll leave you for a bit then, try to get more rest. By the way, visiting hours are starting at 1 pm." She smiled at me before exiting the room again. 

I checked the clock to see that it was already 12:47, but I knew that no one was going to visit me anyway. I ate a spoonful of yogurt and sipped my water before lifting the tray and setting it beside me. I was staring up at the ceiling, and before I knew it, sleep had taken over once again. 

I was awoken by a different voice, a masculine one. Before even opening my eyes, I could tell it was much later, I was probably already entering the evening.

"Mr.Graceffa? You have a visitor. Would you like me to send them in?" 

a daydream away // moey fanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora