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“Happiness is a risk. If you’re not a little scared, then you’re not doing it right.”  


(Meghan's POV.)

I didn't bother to process anything before I called Joey's name. What freaked me out was the fact that his voice came from right beside me when he answered, and not from down in the kitchen - where I heard the slamming of cupboards. 

"Shit, Joey. We fell asleep." I groaned under my breath, feeling incredibly upset with myself.

"David's home, isn't he?" His tired voice was raspy and it cracked a few times as he spoke. He rolled over and I could feel his eyes on my back. I rolled over as well so I could look at him. The sudden nerves I was feeling once I was jolted awake by the ruckus downstairs  faded slightly at the look of his smile. I tried to smile back, but another bang snapped me out of it. We both looked over towards my door. 

"I think he's with someone." I whispered, feeling my lips turn down in a worried frown. 

"Do you want me to go-"

"Joey, don't." I grabbed his wrist to pull the rest of his seated body back down onto the mattress. 

"I'll go." I breathed, letting my stomach clench as I sat up. There was no pushing the nerves away this time. My feet made contact with the floor, which is when I heard another voice. 

"Fine! You're an asshole anyway." The girl shouted, followed by another crash. More thoughts crept their way into my mind as I stood up altogether. The voice didn't sound familiar at all, and from what I could hear it sounded like she might have been crying. 

"Meghan, I don't want you to get hurt." Joey's voice suddenly filled the room. I turned back around to see he had sat up again. 

"I'll be fine. It's my brother." I sighed, not only saying it to Joey but saying it to myself to try and calm down. 

"Put a shirt on too, if he comes up here and see's you it'll make it worse if you're half naked." I rambled my words as I peered around the room for a shirt. I spotted a large black T-shirt I had used to paint the living room a long time ago and threw it at him. 

"Is this a girl's shirt?" He scoffed, flipping the material over in his hands. 

"No. I think it may have been Jesse's." I mumbled, but immediately regretted it. I watched his eyebrows furrow in disgust as he tossed it away. 

"I don't want it then. I'll just put my hoodie back on." His tone was completely flat. I winced at myself for even bringing Jesse up. Now he was going to have to wear something that was soaked from the rain that made us come back from the park. 

This was about the time that my eyes started to become heavy again. I looked over at my window to see the sun was barely beginning to rise, so I guessed it was nearing 6 or so in the morning. I took another breath and quietly turned my doorknob and slipped out into the dimly lit hallway. The only source of light was from the bathroom, as the door was open. I clutched the banister as I practically tip toed down the stairs. Not that I needed to, it wasn't like I was intruding. 

"Whitney, I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything I said." David's voice met my ears as my feet made it to the landing. 

Now the mystery girl had a name. 

"You made out with her right in front of me, and tried to convince me it was my fault? You're full of shit, David." I froze in my spot at the bottom of the stairs. I have never felt so oblivious to a situation in my life. You would think David would at least give me a hint that something like this was going on. From the hurt in Whitney's voice I could tell it has probably been a while since the whole thing started.

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