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A/N: hey hi hello for this chapter im going to continue on with Meghan's POV from the last chapter because I wanted to include more of Mark before Joey showed up at the party. you'll easily be able to tell when it's caught up with Joey's POV from the last chapter :-) ok pce


“Those who are easily shocked should be shocked more often.”


(Meghan's POV.)

"I'm not even tipsy yet and you guys are already fucking with me." Whitney held up both hands and bit back a laugh, still holding the shot glass in one of them. Mark's eyes didn't leave mine as she got up off the couch and smoothed out her dress. His arm slowly rose up so he could scratch the back of his neck. 

"Mark." I finally answered, my voice sounding raspy and unattractive. 

"Okay, seriously, how do you guys know each other?" Whitney finally let out the laugh I knew she was trying to hold back. 

"We've met previously, a few times." Even from this far away I could still hear him stumble over his words. His hazel eyes flickered from mine to Whitney's. The seconds ticked on and the situation didn't hesitate to grow more and more awkward.

"Okay, well, I hope it wasn't anything bad because, I don't know about you but I want to have a good time tonight. Drinks are in the kitchen, thanks for setting up out back." She shot him a smile before returning her gaze back to me. 

"I actually just came in for a cloth or something, I cut my arm on a bitch of a tree branch." He chuckled, grabbing his arm and twisting it inwards to reveal a large gash. 

"Oh my God, are you okay? Meghan, can you go get some gauze from the cabinet under the bathroom sink?" Whitney called over to me, she was now beside Mark at the door, her fingers grazed across the skin where his wound was. 

"Yeah." I choked on one simple word as I set down my shot glass and scurried up the stairs, my dress riding up my thighs with each step. I quickly searched for the gauze, grabbed it along with some disinfectant, and made my way back down the stairs. They had both moved to the kitchen where the lighting was better. 

"It's not that bad." He laughed lightly as I set the two boxes down on the counter.

"Oh shush, the last thing we want is some nasty infection." Whitney's lips turned down in disgust as she opened the box that contained the disinfectant. 

She sprayed it across his arm without warning, which obviously caused him to flinch under the contact.

"Shit." He breathed, biting down on his index finger. I looked up at him as his eyes fluttered closed.

Unwanted memories forced their way back into my mind, which was precisely the thing I was hoping didn't happen tonight. Tonight was supposed to be fun. Not one big wave of guilt and anxiety that knocked me over and left me in a mess of tears. 

We were all standing relatively close together, close enough that I could smell the nicotine that escaped with each one of Mark's breaths. Another thing I learned today: everyone I met seemed to be a fan of tobacco.

After the spray was applied and his arm was enveloped in a thin wrapping of gauze, he let his finger go from his mouth and his hand dropped to his side. On the way down, his fingers brushed against the over exposed skin of my thigh, that I never covered back up after I ran up the stairs.

Goose bumps scattered across my flesh instantly and my cheeks flushed. His eyes wandered from where his hand made contact with my leg and slowly moved up my body to my eyes. He looked at me apologetically and before he could open his mouth to say something, there was a knock at the door. 

a daydream away // moey fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now