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"When the gusts came around to blow me down, held on as tightly as you held onto me."


(Meghan's POV.)

 I watched with a look of shock clearly prominent on my face as Cole lifted the cigarette up to his lips one last time, before crunching the butt into the top of my car. The ashes sat on the hood in a small pile. He tossed the remains on the ground and stomped on it. 

"I want my keys." I hissed, shooting him daggers. 

"You sure? Don't you want me, too?" He threw his head up and let out a cackle at the sky, it made the inside of my stomach lurch. 

"Positive." I replied. I just needed to get away from his hospital. There were so many situations going on inside such a confined area, even though a lot of them didn't involve me. There are always so many families coming in and out, so many patients with different stories and backgrounds. Who knew a bunch of walls rising from the ground to meet at a rooftop could hold so many different emotions? The thought was almost as vague and mysterious as the way Cole was acting. 

"Just leave me alone." I muttered, waiting for his farewell so he could give me my car keys. 

"Don't worry, I didn't come over here to taunt you." I felt the irony radiating through the air, because his tone was twice as taunting as it was before. I sucked in a short breath as his hand reached out to cup my cheek. My eyes fell shut as he laughed. A low, intimidating chuckle. 

"Don't cry, sugar." He whispered. My eyes opened again and he had taken a few steps back, and was now resting on the side of my car. 

"You know, some people can just never seem to let it all go. They have to hold on as tightly as they can, whether they want to or not. It's almost as if there's this voice inside your head telling you that if you let go, you'll never be able to regain your grip. So you hold on. No matter what." His jaw clenched as he finished, my eyes never leaving his the entire time. The one thing I noticed about what he was saying was the transition between his use of words. He started with 'they' and ended with 'you'.


"Not only you," he said, practically reading my troubled mind, "but your little friend." He grinned, exposing his yellow tinted set of teeth. 

"Joey?" My voice cracked, I could feel my throat closing in on me. 

"Meghan, oh Meghan. I'm so sorry. For everything. Please forgive me, I love you. I didn't mean to, I didn't mean to." A wave of nerves flooded over me. He had raised his voice a little, to a mocking tone. Joey was saying those things. I couldn't imagine it, I wouldn't imagine it. It hurt too much to even begin to think of Joey in such a vulnerable position. I thought only I was acting this way. 

I thought I was the one holding on too tight.

I don't think I will ever let go either.

"He was sitting in the waiting room, rocking back and forth like an idiot on one of the chairs. I looked at him, and he looked back at me. He was crying so badly. What a pussy." He laughed, squinting his eyes as he chuckled. He literally thought this was humorous.

"You fucking prick." The tears were real, they were hot against my chilled skin as they ran down my cheeks. His frame started to blur. I reached out and snatched my keys off his finger, hearing a satisfying crack.

"Fuck." He muttered, quickly flashing his hand out of my view and examining it. I felt the anger boiling inside of me. I wanted to see his face twist in pain. With a sudden burst of energy, I swiped the keys through the air, coming down right on his left cheek. 

a daydream away // moey fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now