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"It was one of those unexplainable moments of eye contact that is immediately overanalyzed and inevitably misread."


(Joey's POV.)

"Well hello there everyone!" I said to my small black camera, putting on the most believable smile I could manage. I guess the fact that I could finally eat something proper made me feel a bit better. I slipped on my shoes, maneuvering the camera at the same time so I wouldn't drop it. 

"Sorry I haven't been posting.." I trailed off. I quickly shook it away and cleared my throat before continuing. 

"Anyways, I'm going out with Sawyer," I said, flipping the camera to face his direction and then flipping it back, "and Luke and we're gonna get some smoothies and go shopping and stuff! I haven't been out in a while so it should be real fun." I felt a sudden pang of head pain and had to shut the camera off all of a sudden. I took in a sharp breath and tried to wait it out. Eventually it did, and once it did I looked up at Sawyer, who had a worried expression on his face.

"You okay?" Sawyer came up behind me. 

"Yeah, it's just a headache." I reassured him. My lack of sleep and movement caused my entire body to feel unbalanced. Or at least that was my excuse. 

I slid my phone into my back pocket before putting on my sunglasses and meeting Sawyer by my car, who was already sitting in the passenger seat. We picked up Luke and he was babbling on about something I wasn't really paying attention to. After a couple minutes he interrupted my train of thought by asking if I could turn on the radio. I flipped it on and turned the volume up all the way. The music engulfed the car and I only had to hear two seconds to recognize the song immediately. 

Let 'em wonder how we got this far

'Cause I don't really need to wonder at all

Yeah, after all this time I'm still into you

My throat tightened as the song continued, the music seemed to fill all my senses. Why did it have to be this song? I was hoping that one of them would change the station. Luckily the song was almost over and was replaced by advertisments until we finally made it to the smoothie place.

I let out a deep breath before taking the key out of the ignition, cutting out the radio altogether. That wasn't very amusing. I felt the tightness in my throat for longer than I wanted, as the song still echoed through my thoughts, making memories resurface.

We got in and ordered our smoothies and sat down at the very back. I ordered a kale smoothie, obviously.

I was fiddling around with the napkin dispenser when the doorbell jingled again. I looked up quickly and my heart stopped and my throat was almost immediately stripped of moisture. David was making his way through the door, Meghan not following far behind. Her head was held low and her hair was pulled back, it swayed as she walked down the middle of the aisle. Luke looked at me, catching my glance and followed it to where she was taking her order. 

"I'm gonna go t-to the bathroom." I rushed my words as I pushed the chair out from under my butt and practically jogged around the corner to the bathroom. I heard Sawyer say something along the lines of, "want me to see if he's okay?" followed by Luke declining his offer for me. I shoved the door open, and made my way to the sink. I placed my hands on the counter, shaking my head to myself. I shouldn't have even came. I'm not going to be able to get out of here and face that again.

I padded around for my phone, realizing seconds later that I had left it on the table. So much for asking Luke to be a lookout. Shit. What was I even doing? I looked up at my disgruntled facial expression in the mirror. I looked like such a mess. I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. I ran my hands over my face mulitple times, almost as fast as my mind was racing. 

I was over reacting way too much, she didn't even see that I was there. I'm going to walk out of this bathroom, say that I all of a sudden got sick and I am going to get out of here as soon as possible. I splashed some water on my face and wiped it dry with a paper towel before taking another look at myself in the mirror. I pushed the bathroom door open, and my heart stopped once again, almost as if it was stopped this whole time. Her eyes met mine and I all of a sudden felt weak. 

"Hey," she croaked, her voice filled my ears. It tingled down my neck, leaving goose bumps under my skin. My head cocked to side involuntarily at the sudden shiver.

"Hey." I breathed. 

"You wanna talk?" I blurted out. What the fuck did I just do. How did I even manage that when I couldn't bare to make eye contact with her without getting completely nervous. I could feel my face twist slightly in regret as she stumbled back a few steps. Her pink lips were pressed together to form a white line. She flipped her bangs to the side and looked down at the floor. 

"Um, I was actually just going to the bathroom and then I have to, uh, do a few things." She murmured, wavering slightly in the direction of the women's washroom. 

"I'll text you." She croaked before shifting out of eye's sight and into the bathroom. I stared at the door for a good minute and a half. I counted the chips of yellow paint that were missing, twice. My legs were heavy to the ground and I just couldn't move. Why why why why why.

We only exchanged a handful of words but it felt like we just had the most in depth conversation. I wanted more, I just wanted to hear her voice. What hurt the most was I just wanted to hear the voice she used to use with me. When we could actually have a conversation. I shifted the weight between by two legs for like 30 seconds before deciding that she wasn't going to come out for a while. I shuffled my feet across the tile floor all the way back to my seat. 

"Hey man, you okay?" Sawyer asked. 

"I'm fine. I just feel kind of sick is all. I think I'm going to go home." My eyes forced themselves to look in the direction of the bathroom, Meghan not being something that was in my sight yet. 

"Well, Luke and I will probably stay a bit longer, maybe shop a bit more. We'll just get a taxi home." He said, eyes now attached to his phone. 

I nodded quickly before picking up my phone and rushing out of there faster than I had intended.

Meghan never ended up texting me that night. 


a daydream away // moey fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now